
Monday 5 September 2016

Keeping fit at your desk #OfficeYoga

It often comes as a surprise to people when they learn that blogging is not my full time job and it is infact a hobby.  Outside of the Blogger bubble, I actually have a full time role, not your average 9-5 job but a job that that is demanding, can be long odd hours but gives me the flexibility to come and go as I need to.

I work in an actual office Monday to Friday and like many office workers, I am tied to my desk for most of that day replying to emails, dealing with queries and questions and dealing with people face to face.  Recently in the news, there has been a lot of noise about office workers needing to exercise for an hour a day to avoid an early death and sitting still for 8-9 hours a day is never going to be good for you anyway.  So my colleagues and I have taken on board some of the points made from these reports and as we get a whole hour (and a bit more) for lunch, we decided to go out and explore our local surroundings for that one hour, whether that is to the local park, walking further afield for lunch or, sad as it sounds, going out catching Pokemon.  The fresh air (as fresh as it can be in London anyway) does me a world of good anyway, I always feel much better when I have been outside, especially if it is sunny.

If getting out and about during the working day is something you find hard to do because of work pressures or other issues there are still things you can do.  #OfficeYoga is a term I have heard of more than once over the last few months, a friend of mine recently started up her own business going into offices and going 20 minute slots of yoga with office workers to show them how much a difference it can make to their lives.  Whilst she hasn't yet made it across to my office because we are undergoing a few renovations, she has insisted I have a better office chair than the one I currently have which severely lacks lumber support, so ive noted that point along with remembering to get up and move about.  Feeling good on the outside is just as important as feeling good on the inside and I do try and set myself a goal of getting to the end of a piece of work and then moving around, but if I am alone in the office, which for a few days of the working week I am, then Yoga at my desk, for me, is idea and this is how easy it is:
So if you find you offer suffer with a stiff neck, sore lower back, aching legs and feet, tight hips, sore shoulders and headaches, getting it, shaking it about, moving around and stretching will help minimise the discomfort and help with stress and tension which is a viscous circle of the aches and pains. I know if I am under stress along comes a headache and then the pain radiates down, if I can stop it happening then I am in.

Please do keep a look out for @Furniture_Work's #OfficeYoga campaign video 
coming soon!

*this post is a collaboration but all words are my own.