
Monday 29 August 2016

Crystal Clear Ionic Sonic Cleanse

I have been using the Crystal Clear Ionic Sonic Cleanse for a good few months because I wanted to get a real feel as to how it works, especially having tried quite a few difference cleansing brushes and with having a market saturated with them. 
Crystal Clear Ionic Sonic Cleanse
The Ionic Sonic Cleanse is a cleansing 'system' that does two jobs, it firstly cleanses and then it exfoliates and it differs slightly from other brushes that I have used in the past because it works on the face & body rather than just the face.  It has 3 speed settings so you can decide what your skin needs on a daily basis and it uses a mechanism which combines an ultrasonic action and negative ions to pull toxins and pollutants away from the surface of the skin to ensure maximum cleanliness.  Living in London, it is a polluted city and most days I get home and just want to scrub my skin clean, knowing that the Ionic Sonic system works to remove the surface dirt does help put my mind at ease that I have done everything I can to ensure that as much dirt and grime has been removed.

I love that brush on this system is made of silicone so that you never need to change or replace the head, you simply just rinse it off and leave it to air dry. On the skin, the brush is soft as the bristles are made of silicone, but you know it is doing its job, abrasive enough to remove dead and dry skin but not so much that it scratches the skins surface.

When I use the brush, I first wet my face with warm water and then apply my cleanser, instead of massaging it onto my face with my hands, I use this brush and in circular motions so that I get a little bit of a massage when doing so. It literally takes a few minutes to cleanse your face and then I repeat the same actions using a facial exfoliator to ensure that everything has been removed. Again a few minutes later and my skin can already feel like it can breathe again. Once all of that is done, a little trick I have learnt to do with this same brush once I have washed off all the gubbings, is to apply my moisturiser to my face and instead of massaging it in using my fingers, I turn to the brush and gently let the brush do the hard work for me and it is pretty much like having a facial but at home, with someone else doing most of the work for you.
Crystal Clear Ionic Sonic Cleanse
Crystal Clear Ionic Sonic Cleanse
Crystal Clear Ionic Sonic Cleanse
Whenever I have been for a facial or to any event which involves skincare, the one point that is always made is that unless the surface of your skin, be it face or the body, is clean and dirt free, the products that you put onto your skin won't work as well and as they sink in, they take with them anything lurking on the skins surface (voms) so clean your face! I have always wondered who would ever apply a cream to their skin without washing first, but I am sure it happens.

Using it on the body is again pretty amazing.  You can use it to cleanse and exfoliate exactly as you do your face and it does a really good job at removing that dead and dry skin from your arms, legs and torso.  The stand out here for me is when using it with moisturising cream. I am sure I am not alone when it comes to being lazy about applying a body butter, balm or cream, if it comes as a spray then I use it, if it is anything else, I pretty much need a kick in the shin to do it... give me a brush that does the hard work, then I am more than happy to sit on the bed, slather myself in whatever cream I have handy and allow the brush to massage it into my skin.

Now this cleanse system is pretty good, it does the job and I am happy with how my skin feels after using it. It is perfect for travelling with whether that is for a few days, a long weekend or a week away but there are a few issues which slightly niggle me. Only the brush (head) is fully waterproof, so this is not idea for using in the bath or shower sadly, it is a job you have to do before or after bathing. It is also battery operated rather than rechargeable which isn't something I am used to thinking about with other devices, that said, having used this system for a good few months I haven't yet had to change the batteries.  That aside, for me the positives outweigh the negatives and mainly with how my skin feels after using it - clean, soft, smooth, hydrated and it is incredibly easy to use, clean and maintain, oh and it is incredibly purse friendly too!

Crystal Clear Ionic Sonic Cleanse comes with it's own cute little bag and inside the bag you will also get a Crystal Clear cleanser, exfoliator and skin repair moisturiser in pack,I am yet to use these as I favoured my own, but I will put them to the test at some point. The Crystal Clear Ionic Sonic Cleanse costs a very reasonable £69.99 and is available here.

*this post contains PR samples unless indicated otherwise