
Saturday 9 July 2016

#TEAMME with Superdrug | Yokebe

Superdrug have recently launched their #TeamMe summer campaign and they are working with well-known Olympians and members of the public to get the nation healthy and achieving their personal health and fitness goals. 

Whether your goal is losing weight, quitting smoking or getting your blood pressure under control, Superdrug will provide members of #TEAMME with the impetus, inspiration and expertise to get you there. #TEAMME is a team for all the regular people out there wanting to achieve their own personal health goals and with Superdrug by their side everyone across the country can set their own goal: to be the me they want to be.

#TEAMME with Superdrug | Yokebe

I was sent a lovely package of products to work my way through and for me losing a bit of weight is something I have been doing but when you reach a plateaux it becomes much harder to shift those pounds and you become a little de-motivated. So Yokebe is what is referred to as being Active Food and is essentially a meal replacement shake for weight loss made with 100% natural ingredients + all the vitamins, minerals and macronutrients your body needs.  

Now I have never tried any kind meal replacement shake diet, I have never thought it was for me and it always looked and sounded far too time consuming, but I decided to give Yokebe a try.  My package included two tins of Yokebe in Natural Honey Flavour plus a couple of shakers plus a box of Yokebe Active Food 1 Week Turbo Diet Pack
#TEAMME with Superdrug | Yokebe
#TEAMME with Superdrug | Yokebe
#TEAMME with Superdrug | Yokebe
#TEAMME with Superdrug | Yokebe

The ethos with Yokebe is quite simple and is as follows:"We believe that meal replacements are the most effective way to lose weight. But this shouldn’t mean feeling hungry, lacking of energy, and yo-yo dieting. Yokebe’s formula is full of delicious natural goodness that nourishes your body, harnessing protein for active weight loss and a feeling of fullness".

Now the shake is really easy to make and it takes just a few minutes, much less time than I was expecting:

1. Pour 200 ml low-fat milk (1.5 % fat) in your Yokebe shaker.
2. Then add 50 g Yokebe (5 heaped measuring spoons or 5 heaped tablespoons) to the milk.
3. Finally, add 1/2 teaspoon (1.5 g) vegetable oil with a high level of unsaturated fatty acids (sunflower oil, safflower oil) - This is so you can absorb all of your fat solumble vitamins (A, D and E)
4. Tightly close the shaker and shake it vigorously!

Having used Yokebe now for 2 weeks solid, I admit the taste is not for me.  I find it to be quite chalky, too sweet smelling and the taste is just not for me at all.  Once you have made your drink, it isn't one you can leave to sit around for a while because it separates slightly and becomes gloopy and given it contains milk, if left in the sun it will curdle.  That said, I was determined to stick with it and whilst I don't usually step on to any scales, I did for this and after 2 weeks of having a shake for breakfast instead of cereal or toast, the loss was 6lbs. I found the shakes to be incredibly filling and whilst I don't tend to snack much, I found lunchtime moving from 12.30-1.30pm because I simply wasn't hungry. I just need to find a way to deal with the taste or look to trying the chocolate version which has caught my eye.

If you find you need a bit of inspiration or advice, then #TeamMe is definitely one to look in to and you can find all the information here.

*this post contains PR samples unless indicated otherwise