
Wednesday 8 June 2016

Crystal Clear Revitalising Tonic

I am obsessed with Facial Mists and right now they have really taken off and are everywhere, over the next few weeks there are a few others that will also appear here, especially because I have enjoyed using them.

For me, I always ensure I have a few facial mists at work, a mini in my handbag and I obviously have some at home too. I personally find them really refreshing and if like me you spend the day in front of a computer, you might find your skin becomes quite dehydrated, same with air conditioned offices and even in the winter with heating. I also find that they keep my makeup looking fresh and prevent the need for constant need to re-do it.
Crystal Clear Revitalising Tonic
Crystal Clear Revitalising Tonic
Crystal Clear Revitalising Tonic

I have recently been trying the Crystal Clear Revitalising Tonic (200ml £21). which is a vitamin packed Mist which provides not only a fine layer of instant hydration but it is also really cooling and soothing on the skin as well as helping to lift your spirits. Described as being a 3-in-1 product, it works as a toner, a spirit lifter and a facial freshener all whilst being an alcohol free formula. Using refreshing cucumber extract and marine oligo elements alongside mineral salts, the mist works to remove impurities from your skin to leave it feeling both revitalised and energised whilst at the same time it helps to enhance your skin’s elasticity and keep it balanced. The mist also contains vitamins C and B, mineral salts and marine extracts, zinc and copper.

The Tonic has a surprisingly fresh scent to it which I wasn't expecting, but it is one which I absolutely love.  One press of the nozzle is more than enough to coat your entire face with the spray and  the first thing I noticed was how incredibly hydrating it is and how lightweight it actually is.  With some facial mists they do leave your face slightly wet, this one doesn't, it is as though it absorbs upon contact with your skin.

I use this Tonic all the time and it has played many different roles with my skincare routine - as a toner after cleansing, after I have applied my make-up, especially my foundation so that I have that dewy look. I also use it when I feel ive been sat in front of a computer screen for long enough that my skin needs a bit of TLC, ive used it on hot days, cold days, rainy day and just because I wanted to use it as I like how it feels on my skin. You can literally use it in any way you feel it would work best for you, it is such a lovely product to use.

Crystal Clear Revitalising Tonic comes in a 200ml bottle so it is going to last me a good amount of time and I am really glad I have had the opportunity to try it and be introduced to a brand I might not otherwise have known about.