
Sunday 1 May 2016

Purrfect Box for Cats - April Edition

Once again, the big pink cat box has arrived and as soon as it is opened my boys are clambering in before I even get a look in.  The cat bo in question is the April Purrfect box**. I have featured a few of these boxes now, but if you haven't seen the posts, the Purrfect box is a UK subscription service which allows you to treat your cat, or your dog (Pawsome Box).  Each month you will receive a box of treats, toys, accessories, hygiene and personal care products customized and based on the cat's age, size, weight, fur type and preferences. Anyone who reads my blog or follows me on Instagram will know what a big part my three cats play in my life, Hector even has his own Instagram!

Each month has a different theme so you get different goodies each month. The cost is £19.50 per month or £15.50 if you subscribe yearly and this was what was in the box.

Purrfect Box for Cats - April Edition

As you can see, there is a whole lot of stuff in this box from toys and treats to food and again, my boys are more than spoilt for choice.

Now we have left winter behind and have moved in to Spring, my boys are malting and getting their summer coat.  They all like to go outside and explore and Dexter is quite nifty at rat catching, only a few weeks ago there was a live one in the flat which I found in the bath the following morning (yes still alive). With that, comes fleas, horrible little parasites which are just horrid, a cat version of head-lice if you please.  So I was pleased to see Biospotix in the box because ive used it in the past and it is brilliant.

Biospotix acts as a preventive solution by blocking the respiratory system of the parasites by using Geraniol. It also helps to dehydrate the laid eggs so they never hatch too. 

Purrfect Box for Cats - April Edition

Like most cats, my boys love their food and they love treats and in this box there is a lovely selection.  Starting with Thrive Complete tinned food with Chicken Breast and Tuna Fillet.  What I like about Thrive is that it is cooked with added vitamins and minerals and with no gluten and no wheat.

Karlie Salmon Creme is something Hector just loves.  It is a salmon paste which I give to him direct from the tube, it never gets near his food bowl because as soon as the lid is off he is meowing for the paste.

The treats within this box come in the form of Tuna Cubes by Les Filous which, all three cats absolutely love. Like any other treat I give to them, I always ensure fresh drinking water is available and I stick to the guidelines of how many a day I give to them

Purrfect Box for Cats - April Edition

When it comes to playing with toys, again all three, despite their age difference (12, 6 and 7 months) love to play.  Again there are three toys which you might assume would mean one each, but no, they always all want the same one.

Trixie is a brand I have come to know since my introduction to the Purrfect Boxes and the toys they create are really good quality. This time we have a spider which is scented with catnip and was the first toy they all fought over. 

Next is a Camon Ball which is made from a material called sisal. Hector loves this ball because it allows him to grip it and fling it around. The act of scratching also allows your cat to eliminate dead nails.

The final toy is a perfumed Dragonfly and its body is infused with a long lasting scent, that strongly appeals to cats and it is a smell can acutely pick up on. The crinkly spotted wings make a noise which entertains Dexter for hours as he pounces on it around the room as though he is hunting.

Purrfect Box for Cats - April Edition

Finally in the box is some Jolly Moggie Cat Nip. Catnip, for those of you who are not aware of it, is categorised as being a member of the mint family. It is a part of a family of 200+ other mint species and it contains Nepetalactone, the essential oil found inside catnip.For cats who are sensitive to it, Nepetalactone has a very strong effect on cats and can turn even the laziest of cats into an ecstatic ball of energy and intrigue.  All three of mine are sensitive to it, so I only use it in small doses.

Purrfect Box for Cats - April Edition

This box has proven to be a huge hit with my three boys and the contents are just brilliant. Again, as I have said before, The Purrfect Box is a real treat for my boys to get and as soon as they see the box they know exactly what it is and cannot wait for me to rip it open. If you have a friend who has cats, then this would make a fantastic present!  If you want to try it for yourself, I have a discount code for £5 off and it is ukbdlwba.