
Sunday 10 April 2016

Vetiver Insolent By Miller Harris

Perfume is something I am obsessed with and wear it every day without fail, even if I am having a duvet day. Some people don't bother wearing it and others choose it for special occasions. I have perfumes that are special to me and I have some that I wear for different reasons or occasions and sometimes I am trialing perfumes to write about or to decide whether or not I like them. I do change my perfumes around depending on my mood and the time of year, in winter for example I like a much stronger and more vibrant scent to the Summer, where I will opt for something more fresh and light.

I was recently invited, as part of the ThirtyPlus Group to the Mayfair Store of Miller Harris for an evening of fragrance discovery and to hear about the launch of their new perfume, Vetiver Insolent.  Created by Lyn Harris, an elite perfumer whose training comes from one of Paris's most prestigious schools of perfume, she has over twenty years of experience working withing the perfumery industy and therefore knows a little mre than I do about fragrances. Situated in Mayfair, you get exactly what you expect to find at the Miller Harris store or I should say Boutique.  As soon as you walk in, the scents are enough to make you want to pick up every bottle which is expertly displayed and smell it.  I managed to hold fire (slightly taken off guard by some Sushi which tasted even better than it looked) drink some Prosecco and get myself involved in some wrist smelling and conversations with John, who took those of us present, on a scented journey.which was truly fascinated.  Starting with how the fragrance pyramid works and why certain ingredients are used to make the perfume 'notes'.  Most of us are aware that a perfume has top, middle and base notes to make up its fragrance with the top notes being the first scent we smell and the base note being the one which gives it the scent that settled on your skin.
Vetiver Insolent By Miller Harris
Vetiver Insolent By Miller Harris
Vetiver Insolent By Miller Harris
Vetiver Insolent By Miller Harris

With any Miller Harris scent you will not find fragrances which are 'On Trend' or for 'This Season' and nor will you find a his and her option, what you get is a scent that evolves and becomes itself from the person wearing it and how the fragrance interacts with their skin. Did you know that any given scent might not necessarily smell the same on any two people owing to that scent reacting with your body chemistry? Well I confess that I did know and it does explain why I like some fragrances on my skin and some I do not.

Having fallen in love with two different scents whilst working my way along the shelves, you can find them here on my Instagram, but the reason I was at the event was to be introduced to Vetiver Insolent. Its description

For those in whom the spirits live loudly, for those with mischief and courage. This audacious scent brings energy, action. It's the moment a face ensnares you, when a smile brings you under its spell, and you throw caution to the wind. At once rebellious and sensual, Vetiver Insolent has a natural aura, a charismatic allure. Its base is vetiver, a deep rooted grass from Haiti, full of sweet, fresh carthiness and an enemy of melancholia. Brazen notes of bergamot and cardamom engender curiosity, giving way to energising black pepper, elemi and a whisper of lavender.

It is a beautiful scent, unisex in every way and I am sure both the mister and I will be fighting over it at some stage, but be warned it has my name engraved on it, so it is therefore mine. As a scent it is one I shouldn't like because it is spicy and I prefer the florals, but it has captured me. From the first spritz it is outwardly masculine with its woody and earthy tones, but as it settles, the scent becomes much more crisp and sweet but not at all sickly and it lasts forever on the skin and for me that is always impressive. Vetiver Insolent is definitely going to be a scent you either love or hate, I expected to not like it, but I love it and I expect it to be a scent I wear all year round rather than per season.

Vetiver Insolent launched on the 9th of April 2016 (50ml, £65).