
Wednesday 6 April 2016

Pranamat ECO

The Pranamat ECO is a therapeutic manual massage mat that is said to help relieve minor muscle aches and pains. As both the mister and I suffer with backache for various reasons, I was delighted to be asked to review the mat to put it through its paces and see whether or not it could offer any relief.
Pranamat ECO
Pranamat ECO
Pranamat ECO
Pranamat ECO
Made from all-natural coconut, linen and cotton fibres which are kind to the skin and cause no further irritations. It is soft to the touch, pliable and moves naturally with your body making it a delight to lay on. But what about those spiky little sticking up things I hear you ask. Well the HIPS plastic Lotus Massagers are made from the same plastic used to make medical instruments and the design of a Lotus Flower to help with your therapeutic massage, they are not painful, do not pierce the skin and are really comfortable to lay on. The lotus pattern actually helps to activate the body into boosting its natural defences, metabolism, blood circulation and stimulates the lymph nodes. The end result is an enhanced resistance to inflammation and an increase in endorphins, which serve as your body’s most powerful natural painkillers.

Pranamat ECO
Pranamat ECO

Pranamat states: ‘The effects of the Pranamat are incredibly similar to those of acupuncture. Circulation is improved, toxins throughout the body are eliminated and muscles, joints and tissues are relaxed. The nervous system is also stimulated in order to encourage the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. Not only will persistent pain be reduced, but you’ll experience a heightened state of mental and physical wellbeing.’

The mat can be used for upper, lower and middle back pain, neck and shoulder pain, headaches, help with falling asleep, sciatica, tension relieving and just for relaxation purposes. Here are some of the ways I have used the mat:
  • I roll the mat out onto my bed for using on the whole of my back.  With a pillow beneath my head and shoulders as though I am going to sleep and one under my legs, I lay on top of the mat for up to half an hour, ensuring I have a thin cotton t-shirt on during this time and then just lay back and relax. For me this works really well, whilst the pain I have flares up occasionally, this mat just eases all the tension and soothes the dull ache.
  • I have also taken the mat into work with me to sit on and give my back some relief whilst being sat at the computer when I have back ache, and the relief is just amazing.  I find sitting at a desk staring at a screen can be really uncomfortable, despite having a chair specially designed for those who suffer with back ache.  Adding the Pranamat onto my chair makes sitting there much more bearable and I ache much less.
  • It is also amazing for shoulder aches and pains and when you just haven't got time to go and see a masseuse to get rid of those knots for you, laying down on the Pranamat with the lotus flowers in position to massage your neck and shoulders is just absolute heaven and extremely pain relieving. Carrying around a handbag which is too heavy, often does me no favours what so ever it would seem!
Having used this mat regularly for the last 4 weeks I can honestly say that it does live up to its claims.  It does take a few sessions to get used to the lotus flower spikes, but don't let that put you off, there is a reason they are designed that way and you do get used to them.  I now don't find them as uncomfortable as I did and can happily fall asleep on my mat.  It does help to relieve and give pain relief for aches and pains and it is a great stress and tension buster, perfectly designed to help you chill out, calm down, relax and become calm.

The Pranamat retails for around £90 and you can find it right here in a range of different shades and colours.