
Wednesday 30 March 2016

The Heat-Treat Cap

Hair care is a topic I don't seem to cover much on BeautyqueenUK but over the next few weeks that is going to change because I have a few products I want to share with you.

Today is the turn of Heat-Treat Cap, described as being a new revolutionary thermal treatment cap to give salon results at home. With the tagline 'Say goodbye to bad hair in 5 easy steps' has me hooked. So, like most people, I use a lot of heat on my hair - GHD's, Hair dryer and sometimes a curling wand, which all causes havoc on my hair if I don't give it some TLC and I tend to use a hair mask at least twice a month.

The Heat-Treat Cap
The Heat-Treat Cap

The Heat Treat Cap looks like a shower cap, but it has what feels like a gel filled inside, there is also a plastic lip liner which you need to remove before putting the cap into the microwave. So, to use the cap it needs to go into your microwave for between one and two & a half minutes, depending on your microwave and let it heat up. In the meantime, having already washed your hair, whilst your heat cap is warming up, this is the time to apply your chosen hair treatment, ensure you have equal coverage across your hair and scalp, then put the cap liner onto your head and remove the heat cap from the microwave and put it onto your head, as you would do your shower cap. All of which is really easy to do and the cap isn't hot enough to burn your hands or your head, it actually feels really nice.

The Heat-Treat Cap
The Heat-Treat Cap
The Heat-Treat Cap
The Heat-Treat Cap
The Heat-Treat Cap

For my treatment, I used the label.m honey and oat hair mask which is my current favourite mask and it will have a full review coming soon, it is worth noting that there is the inclusion of three hair masks by Jenois within the box. So, depending on how long your mask is designed to stay on your hair, is how long you use the heat cap for but ideally it should be for around 2-10 minutes. My hair mask says depending on the state of your hair, the mask should be left to work its magic for up to 5 minutes, so I always time those minutes from the moment the cap goes onto my head. Once the cap is on you can do whatever you need to do, there is no requirement to sit still and wait for your time to finish, so I hoovered up and put some clothes away whilst wearing mine. Once my 5 minutes were up, I removed both caps and rinsed the mask from my hair using warm water. What I did notice is how smooth my hair was once it had dried and how much easier my hair straighteners seemed to glide through my hair. My once messy birds next was now sleek ans shiny and just as soft as when I usually leave the salon.

The Heat-Treat Cap is aimed at those who have dry, lack lustre, frizzy or limp hair. However, I actually think anyone who loves to give their hair some TLC and using any kind of hair treatment, be it an oil, mask or conditioner could and should give it a try. It is easy to use, re-usable and it makes my hair feel amazing and is well worth the price tag of £24.95 which is much less than just a wash, treatment and blow dry at my local salon. More information about the Heat-treat Cap on the official website and you can also purchase some hair treatments too.