
Saturday 12 March 2016

Laser Hair Removal - Is it for you?

So Spring has (apparently) arrived and the weather will soon start to turn warm, so bye bye thick black chunky tights, denim skirt and chunky knit sweaters that I have lived in for the last 5 months or so will find themselves at the back of the wardrobe once again, That said, out will come the pretty skirts and dresses that I prefer to wear and with that is the constant checking that my legs are no comparison to that of a gorilla.

One of my closest friends had laser hair removal a few years ago and she said it the best money she has ever spent, having carefully worked out how much it costs for razors, shaving gel and anything else she used and compared it to the cost of laser treatment. So it is something I have looked into and there are so many options to choose from and so many places to choose to go to for the treatment and then the decision as to whether or not it is really for you. One thing I was concerned about was whether it would be as painful as waxing, which lets face it, is not pleasant and in actual fact, my friend Sarah compared it to being like a flick of an elastic band at its most painful.

When debating whether or not Laser Hair Removal is for you, the infographic shown below is actually really helpful and it also gives some food for thought as to whether or not it would actually work for you.

At this stage I am still undecided as to whether or not laser hair removal is for me and I still have quite a few documents to read and look through, but it has helped having a friend who has had it done.

Is Laser Hair Removal something you have had done or have considered having done?
