
Friday 12 February 2016

Valentines Day with Lush Cosmetics 2016

Do you want to buy your other half something more exciting than flowers and chocolate (actually still get those) for Valentines Day? Well now is the time to get in the mood for love with this new collection of limited edition Lush treats and a Valentines collection is always one not to be missed.  

Valentines Day with Lush

There are so many products to choose from this year, whether it is a single item or a gift package, that walking into Lush makes me want to grab everything and shove them into my basket, but instead I have been quite restrained. However I did manage to have the chance to play with and test a lot of products whilst wandering about and here are some of my favourites:
Valentines Day with Lush

Top right we have Roses all the way soap which smells amazing! When I washed my hands with it in store, I was expecting it to look as though I had had one massive accident with blood red water, but instead it turns into a creamy lather which definitely made me look twice, possibly in confusion, but what is amazing is the scent.  If you love the smell of rose, in particular Turkish Rose which is both delicate but fresh scented, then this is one for you.

Unicorn Horn is a well loved Bubble Bar and even now I am still obsessed with all of the magical colours.  This is one of my favourite bubble bars because of the scent and its ability to make me feel instantly relaxed.  Using Lavender and Neroli is always going to get the thumbs up from me, but make it bright and pretty and mention the word 'Unicorn' and what is not to love?  This is one of those bubble bars that you can cut in half, or be like me and chuck the whole lot into the water crumbled up for lots of bubbles.

Cuteness alert with the Ladybird Bubble Bar which is new to Lush and is technically for Mother's Day but its far too cute not to want for Valentines Day. This one is a beautiful bright red and purple spotted being which when crumbled into the water uses both Geranium and Peppermint to relax the mind but uplift the soul, so if you are having one of those 'everything has gone wrong days' and the stress levels have hit the roof, then Ladybug is the perfect antidote to clam you now, chill you out and make you smile - it creates loads and loads of bubbles and turns your bath water a lovely shade of red!

Finally another newbie for Lush with the Lover Lamp Bath Bomb. It smells like a chocolate orange and uses Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute and Brazillian Orange Oil and once you chuck it in the bath and it begins to whizz around, slowly melting away, the oils when they hit the steam are just magical. The scent is amazing and it leaves your skin smelling good enough lick, never mind eat and the scent stays with you pretty much all day.

If those haven't really tickled your fancy or you think your wife/girlfriend/best friend or even the man in your life deserve a little something more, then there are of course the gift packages and again, they are just amazing and there is something for every budget.

Valentines Day with Lush

In your Dreams is just under £10 and inside are two amazing products. Unicorn Horn which i've mentioned above and Tisty Toasty Bubble bar which is based on a medieval love potion. Studded with seven real rosebuds, it is scented with a captivating combination of floral orris root powder, rose, and lemon and it is just divine.

Two Hearts is again a total bargain at just £13.95 and it contains trio of bathtime treats with Tisty Toasty as mentioned above, Lover Lamp which again ive mentioned above and Sex Bomb bath bomb which uses a fragrant blend of jasmine, ylang ylang and clary sage will soon have you relaxed and feeling in the mood... Jasmine is an ancient aphrodisiac, used as a sensual perfume in India for centuries and in aromatherapy to ease stress and anxiety. Clary sage clears the mind, while ylang ylang is renowned for soothing worries.

The final package is Lots of Love and it costs £27.95 and is just brilliant. Inside this box are six amazing products which are - Tisty Toasty, Lover Lamp, Sex Bomb and Unicorn Horn all of which are mentioned so far.  The final two are ones I also adore and the first is French Kiss Bubble Bar which when crumbled under running water creates a paradisaical bath full of the lavender and rosemary scents of Southern France. Relax as your troubles bubble away and extra virgin coconut oils softens your skin. Finally is Rose Jam Bubbleroon which is just incredible. Pep up your spirits in a bath filled with Rose Jam: lemon, rose and geranium oil will help perk you up, while Fair Trade cocoa and shea butter leave you feeling gorgeous. You’ll end up feeling as cheered as though you'd been been given a bunch of flowers. Rose oil and rose absolute give a double dose of rosiness, helping to clear the mind and boost your mood.

This is just an insight into some of the products available from Lush and there are many more to look at - Prince Charming Shower Gel, Heart throb Bubbleroon and Love Spell Massage Bar to name just a few!

Have you gone to Lush for a Valentines Gift?