
Tuesday 3 November 2015

Purrfect Box for Cats plus meet Hector!

If you follow me on Instagram, then you will have seen the latest addition to our little family of fur balls.  Hector.  He is a grey male kitten who is full of energy and loves nothing better than to run laps of the flat at 3am much to the dismay of everyone else who will be sleeping.

Purrfect Box for Cats

One thing my boys do love is the delivery of a Purrfect Box, The Purrfect box** is a brand new UK subscription service which allows you to treat your cat, or your dog each month you will receive each month treats, toys, accessories, hygiene and personal care products customized and based on the cat's age, size, weight, fur type and preferences. Each month has a different theme so you get different goodies each month. The cost is £19.50 per month or £15.50 if you subscribe yearly and this was what was in the box.

Purrfect Box for Cats

The box is pretty full to the brim and my lot always just dive right in scratching around to see what is inside and this month there is quite a variety and something for everyone.

Cat toys will always be a big hit, when you have three of them, they all seem to want to play with the same toy despite not wanting it when it was free an available to play with. The Laser toy is something every cat I have ever had loves and it is a perfect chance to exercise your furball and keep them entertained, even Hector adores it.  The Dragonfly Delight toy is stuffed full of catnip and again sends each kitty into a tizz as soon as they so much as get a whiff, this is definitely Dexters toy right now.

Purrfect Box for Cats

Then we have some food which my boys have already tried and loved.  Equilibre & Instant is a French brand and it was lapped up by Dude before anyone else got a look in. Trixie offers a delicious tasting salmon cream and as soon as the lid was off the tube, each cat wanted a taste.

Purrfect Box for Cats
Purrfect Box for Cats

Treats are something we use in this house as a reward for being good (or bribery) and the Chicken 'n' Fish by Filous which are cat snacks made with chicken and fish are again proving to be popular and a nice alternative to Dreamies (also known as Kitty Crack)

Purrfect Box for Cats

Grass is something my cats eat and it drives me insane because 9 times out of 10 they vomit after doing so, usually combined with furballs.  Cat grass is, I feel, I great way to help your cat get rid of those furballs which have been created by washing and grooming themselves and this Camon Catnip Grass will be very popular once it has grown.

Purrfect Box for Cats

The final item is the one which intrigues me the most. Shampoo by Nilaqua which is a no rinse shampoo.  The thought of putting my two eldest anywhere near the bath fills me with dread in all honesty and I instead tend to settle for a warm wet flannel and do the best I can.  Given you apply this directly onto the coat of your cat and remove with a towel dry, I just need to pluck up the courage to give it a try!

Purrfect Box for Cats

I love seeing the look on the faces of my three boys as soon as I opened the box was amazing, they loved each and every item within the box, which you can see from the photos and even now, a few weeks after getting the box, all of the items are still played with, rolled over chewed, dribbled on and fought over, so for me, this is great value for money and is definitely something I would think of subscribing too. Better still, if you know someone with a cat and don't know what to buy them for Christmas, get this for the cat instead!

What do you think to this box? Have you got it, would you buy it?