
Sunday 6 September 2015

My Three Favourite Benefit Blushers!

Benefit Blushers are amongst my favourite make up products and I find myself using them constantly and then always re-purchasing when I hit pan to the point where there literally nothing left. Of all the products available, there are three which have become staples within my stash.

My Three Favourite Benefit Blushers!
My Three Favourite Benefit Blushers!

Rockateur, Marjorette and Dandelion are all products that I disliked to begin with.  All bought on a whim because they looked and sounded great at a Benefit Counter, but getting them home, I decided I didn't like them.  Oddly, I bought them all at different times and now have since repurchased each one.

Dandelion is often described as being a pink perk me up powder and it is indeed quite pink. That said, it is also really subtle when used and is perfect for my pale skinned tones.  If you want a bit more of a colour then you can build it up really easily.  

The reason I disliked it to start with is because I just didn't think it suited my skin at all, at the time of purchasing I did, to be fair, have a bit of a tan, so it was barely visible.  Now, tan faded and I am fully embracing my milk bottle shade, it actually is really rather pretty.

My Three Favourite Benefit Blushers!
My Three Favourite Benefit Blushers!

Marjorette is one of the newer products from Benefit and again, I loved when it at the Benefit Counter when I had a make-over with it. Got it home and instantly disliked it and almost gave it to a good friend of mine before having a change of heart and deciding to give it a second chance.  Marjorette differs from other Benefit blushes as this is in a pot rather than a box an I think I prefer it this way because the boxes become a bit bashed about in my make up bag and quite tatty looking, whereas this one looks near perfect.

Marjorette is a cream blush which has a coral-peach shade to it. It applies much easier than I ever anticipated it would do and has quite a creamy consistency which ensures it blends well and you can have it as light or a bold as you wish. For me, I like the barely there look with this and I think the shade does suit me much more than I gave it credit for. One of the best things about this blush, and it wasn't something I noticed until after reading someone elses review, is the smell! Yes, Marjorette has a scent which to me is quite peachy, not overpoweringly peachy, but once you have noticed it, you know it is there.

My Three Favourite Benefit Blushers!
My Three Favourite Benefit Blushers!

The final blush of my trio is Rockateur and possibly my favourite of the three here, not too surprisingly considering it is the UK's no.1 selling blush! Made up of two Rose Gold shimmers and the word Rock clearly emblazoned, this blush is just stunning.

Benefit describe their Rockateur offering as a "rockin' rose gold" and for me that is a good enough description. It is quite a cool toned rose gold and again being really pale, I find it works really well on my skin, even if I do happen to get a bit of colour to my cheeks. Easy to use and easy to apply, you can of course choose to have a much bolder shade by building it up, I personally prefer one or two sweeps across my cheekbones and from there I am happy with the shade and slight shimmer.

My Three Favourite Benefit Blushers!
My Three Favourite Benefit Blushers!

All three of these blushers are totally different shades yet I really enjoy using them all, obviously not together!  

My Three Favourite Benefit Blushers!

The swatch above shows each blush - Marjorette, Rockateur and then Dandelion in turn, as you can see against my pale skin, they work really well and don't leave me looking washed out.

Each are priced at £23.50 and for that, I find they are not only great value for money, but they last for ages and ages, well apart from Rockateur because I use it all the time and this is my second or third one since it was launched.

Do you have a favourite blusher?

This post has also appeared on JustJulie