
Tuesday 15 September 2015

Foreo Luna Mini Skincare Device

Looking after my skin is really important to me which you might have guessed by now. Over the last year, I have been lucky enough to try out a few cleansing brushes, something I really love being able to do. One item I was really excited to try was the Foreo Luna Mini** which is quite unlike anything else I have ever used and the principle idea is one that is so simple, I am left wondering why I hadn't tried it until now.

I have the Magenta coloured Foreo Luna Mini and it is to all intents and purpose a silicone device which has been designed to gently but deeply clean my skin and as I am prone to blemishes, I need something that not only leaves my skin looking healthier and brighter but I also want something that will leave my skin feeling doubly clean. Living here in London, the air isn't as clean as you might expect and some nights I get home and just want to spend hours slapping lotions and potions on to ride my skin of pollutants, dirt and grim. The Foreo has gone almost all the way there to prevent me doing that! 

Foreo Luna Mini Skincare Device
Foreo Luna Mini Skincare Device
Foreo Luna Mini Skincare Device
Foreo Luna Mini Skincare Device

I have never tried any other of the Luna devices and this one, as the name suggests, is mini versions of the larger device and both of them fit perfectly into the palm of your hand and are easy to grip hold of and it is the perfect size for travelling with because it has its own protective case, which I have kept, and it fits neatly into my weekend bag.

The 'brush' for want of a better description is actually small silicone nodules which feel soft to the touch.  It is those nodules which gently massage and cleanse the skin but they are two sided with one side used for regular cleansing and the other for that much needed deeper clean.  On the top of the brush are small nodules which are really helpful in getting into the smaller crevices of the face such as around the nose to ensure every part can be reached.  There are two different cleansing speeds, one is slightly more intense than the other but astonishingly each one uses up to 8,000 sonic pulses per minute, which sounds absolutely incredible and in all honestly it is.

Foreo recommend that you use the Luna Mini for at least one minute, twice a day.  It is totally waterproof which means it can be used in the shower (hurrah) and even more brilliant is that you never have to replace the brush!  Once changed, using a USB and your computer, it will not need to be charged for at least 300 uses which is yet another impressive statistic and because of its design it is said to be over 35 times more hygienic than your traditional cleansing brushes, which if like me, you sometimes suffer from blemishes, then this will not be another worry for you.

Since using the Luna Mini I have used both creme based and foaming cleanser and it works well with either, though my person preference is a foaming cleanser and I always use the Mini as the second part of my double cleanse, with the first part usually involving a balm cleanser, something which I don't think does work well with the device.

Now I have this device I can't imagine anything else living up to how good it is. My skin really likes it but what I like the most is that feeling of totally clean skin after using, especially after a day of travelling around the capital on public transport.

The Foreo Luna Mini retails at £99 and can be found online from Boots, Feel Unique and Amazon, as well as in store in Selfridges and Harvey Nichols and it is available in an array of different colours.

Have you tried a Luna device before?