
Sunday 2 August 2015

YNYS MON Pure Bath Salts

Baths Salts for me are one of those underrated beauty products we should all give more time and praise too.  They are something my Grandma used to rave about her bath salts and they are something ive totally ignored until recently.

Ynys Mon is a brand who caught my attention on Twitter.  They can be found on the Isle of Anglesey (which Ynys Mon means) and are a new and independent business who use their natural surroundings to create each product. Using ingredients which are paraben free, free from chemicals, fillers, compounds and perfume replacements, what you have is a selection of products which are designed to ensure that your home experience of using them is as good or better than those of your local spa.

I was kindly sent the Slumber Bath Salts which retail at £10 and are exceptionally good value for money. Described as being "A dreamy blend of oils renown for their relaxing and soothing qualities. Enjoy this blissful aromatherapy anytime you wish to unwind, settle and ease into a state of peaceful relaxation. Perfect for those who want to de-stress after a challenging day or need help to achieve a restful nights sleep". As soon as you twist off the lid, the first thing that hits you is the lovely scent of Lavender, which is one of those ingredients I absolutely adore for its relaxation properties and if you are good at detecting scents, Jasmine and Rose are also evident.

YNYS MON Pure Bath Salts
YNYS MON Pure Bath Salts
YNYS MON Pure Bath Salts

The bath salts also contain Dead Sea and Himalayan Salts which are packed full of beneficial nutrients and minerals which my skin and body absolutely loves. Himalayan salts are said to contain around 84 essential minerals that not only make skin baby-soft, but also efficiently detox the entire body. Add that to the Dead Sea Salts which contains Magnesium which is important for both combating stress and fluid retention, slowing skin aging and calming the nervous system. Calcium which is effective at preventing water retention, increasing circulation and strengthening bones and nails. Potassium which energizes the body, helps to balance skin moisture and is a crucial mineral to replenish following intense exercise. Bromides which act to ease muscle stiffness and relax muscles and finally Sodium, which is important for the lymphatic fluid balance (this in turn is important for immune system function). So with all of that, you know you have an amazing product.

I think by now you have been made aware that I am a huge fan of these bath salts.  Not only do they smell incredible but they are absolutely blissful to use. If you are stressed out and tired, but can't sleep or just need to relax, a handful of these in your bath will do your mind and body wonders, I find them incredibly relaxing as does the mister.

If Bath Salts aren't quite your thing but you like the sound of the range then fear not because the range is so extensive it includes Bath Bombs, Hand and Body Cream, Bath and Body Oils, Body Scrubs, Foot Scrubs, Seaweed Home Spa (this has my attention), Day Cream, Night Cream, Bath Soak and the option to create gift boxes.

You can find out more about Ynys Mon on Facebook or on Twitter too.