
Wednesday 19 August 2015

My BBQ Essentials

Whilst Steve and I don't have a garden as such, we refer to it as the concrete jungle which is essentially a pathway which leads to our door with some plants in pots, two cat kennels (yes really) and a door mat.  However, we do both love to a BBQ or to be pedantic, I usually wanted Halloumi and I prefer it to be done on the barbeque.  Outside our flat we have a space to do use a BBQ and store it on our terrace, though ours really needs chucking out and replacing.

Having a BBQ makes a nice change to kitchen cooked food for me, I can prep whatever needs to be done and the rest I can leave to him to do. So whilst the weather is still nice, by nice I mean not yet raining, it is something we are still doing.

If you type BBQ Essentials into Google, it throws back around 2.3 million pages for you to peruse at your leisure and having looked through a few of them, I have cobbled together a basic list here of items, a sort of him and her type list that we would both be happy with.

Barbecue essentials

So for the mister there is a huge BBQ which is big enough to cook food on and store extra plates and utensils which are also included and not forgetting the BBQ companion which features over 180 recipes from around the world. For me there is a new pan, a funky apron and some funky looking salt and pepper shakers, which I do need to replace.

Do you BBQ? What do you consider essentials?

This is a sponsored post for House of Fraser; but all opinions and product purchasing are my own