
Friday 10 July 2015

Don’t Step on a Bee Day - Bee Good Honey & Camelina Facial Exfoliator

Bee Good is one of my favourite brands, I am yet to dislike one of their products and I love the brand ethos. Today is #DontStepOnABeeDay and Bee's are quite precious. Did you know that globally the lives of our bees are still severely under threat. There's the deadly mite called Varroa accidentally imported from Asia, the loss of natural habitat, a lack of forage from declining wildflower meadows and a toxic cocktail of pesticides used widely in crop production. Just as these tiny insects have a vital role to play in the sustainability of humanity, we all have a role to play in their survival and the sustainability of their environment. Below are some top tips to help look after bees!

Aside from not stepping on Bees, Bee Good have just released the latest installment from their beauty range, the Honey & Camelina Facial Exfoliator and I have been using it for a few weeks now and absolutely love it. 

Bee Good Honey & Camelina Facial Exfoliator
Bee Good Honey & Camelina Facial Exfoliator
Bee Good Honey & Camelina Facial Exfoliator

Why do I like it so much? Well 
it is packed full of amazing ingredients such as:
  • British Wild Flower Honey - helps to moisturise the skin
  • British Propolis (extract) - Using its antibacterial properties on problematic skin
  • British Camelina sativa seed oil - helps to moisturise the skin
  • Wheatgerm oil - soothes and helps restore moisture
  • Milled Lavender flowers - gently yet effectively exfoliate without irritating

The advice for this exfoliator has been to use it one or twice a week, which I have been doing.  Texture wise it is really creamy and smells absolutely divine, but on the skin, whilst you can feel it working on the skin, it isn't overly abrasive and therefore doesn't scratch, but wow does it make your skin feel not only clean, but soft and smooth after using.  

This is a great product to try, especially if you want an exfoliator that is kind to your skin, is a great one a week treat and is British!  It is a great way to fly the flag and help Bees.

Don’t Step on a Bee Day

Here are our Top 5 Bee Care Tips to give you inspiration for Don’t Step on a Bee Day:

1. Don’t step on a bee! (Of course)
2. Buy British! The majority of our honey here in the UK is imported, but with the wealth of bee keepers on our doorstep there is really no need. Support your local bee keeper by visiting a near-by farm shop or deli and enjoy their precious produce for breakfast on some warm buttered toast - yum!
3. Plant seedballs! We send you these with every Bee Good order placed on – it couldn’t be easier! Simply scatter these seed balls containing wildflower seeds, clay, compost & chilli powder in your garden to create hundreds of attractive, bee-friendly blooms.
4. Build a bee hotel! Did you know that bees need somewhere to rest when they venture out on their pollen mission? Get the kids involved and get building! Find out more at:
5. Adopt a bee! If you want to help the honeybees but don’t have the space or time, you can adopt a colony for as little as £25 per month! This includes a certificate, e-mail updates and you can even get a plaque with your name on the side of the hive. Find out more at: