
Thursday 25 June 2015

Smartsun UV indicator wristbands

Summer is on the horizon (looks hopeful) and whilst we are all looking forward to the much warmer weather or may even be lucky enough to have booked a Summer holiday to somewhere nice and exotic, taking care of our skin is paramount, not that you should just be using SPF when it is sunny.  I have really pale skin and don't tan that well, so when I am out in the sun, I always ensure my head is covered during peak times and if I am walking around, especially on holiday, having been in the pool or sea, I ensure that I am covered up, usually in a Kaftan which I find comfortable to wear.

Cancer Research statistics show that rates of skin cancer are increasing faster than any other cancer in the UK, and it is now the second most common cancer in young adults aged 15-34, with 6 in 10 of people who die from malignant melanoma being under 75 years old. Although the risk of developing skin cancer is dependent on many factors including age and genetics, UV radiation is the main risk factor for skin cancers cases – with 86% of diagnosed cases linked to back to this. So if a £1 wristband can make you stop, think and be more careful then it is something we should all be investing in right?

Smartsun have invented a wristband is a really simple idea which acts as a reminder to re-apply your sun cream or that you have been in the sun for too long by changing colour. I am sure some of you will remember those hypercolour tshirts back in the 90's which used to change colour when you got a bit hot and sweaty (whoever though they were a good idea?). Well the wristband works in a similar way. 

Smartsun UV indicator wristbands
Smartsun UV indicator wristbands
Smartsun UV indicator wristbands

The wristband works by measuring the amount of UV radiation you have been exposed to and will change colour accordingly. Each band is one wear only, and starts out as yellow, changing to beige and pink to alert you when it is time to top up on sun lotion, or when it is time to avoid the sun for the rest of the day.

Smartsun UV indicator wristbands

The bands are also tailored to different skin types to reflect the different tolerance levels that people have to the sun. For example, a band for someone with fair hair and light skin will change colour quicker than a band for someone with dark hair and dark skin.

The wristbands themselves are also waterproof, discreet and reliable and will alert you before you notice any damage to your skin plus they can be worn by people of all ages.  

The Smartsun wristbands are available in packs of 5 priced at £4.99 from and are available now.

Do you think this is something you need to use? Have you bought some?