
Thursday 28 May 2015

The Fable Bar and Restaurant

When the Mister said "Do you fancy Brunch in the City" I thought yeah why not... far from being a romantic gesture, it was for a review he was doing.  So off we went to The Fable, a bar and restaurant near the Holbon Viaduct (central London) and I knew I would love it as soon as I read about it:
"Once upon a time in a land far, far away The Fable Bar was created for the Drake & Morgan collection. Inspired by the fantasy world of fairy tales, the fabulous fables of Aesop & influences from around the globe, it is a bar & restaurant out of the ordinary, where every detail tells a story. A veritable jewel box brimming with unexpected surprises, The Fable offers seasonal food & sensational cocktails alongside bespoke events, fascinating masterclasses & unique customised experiences.
From a writing desk complete with vintage typewriter to the wine shop & florist, ‘Bottles & Blooms’ & the library lined with leather bound story books sourced from vintage markets across the country, expect to be entranced & enthralled".
The Fable Bar and Restaurant

Inside is this beautifully designed eatery which is everything the description gives.  It is bright, airy and really spacious, not to mention really comfy and very funky chairs.
When it came to deciding what to choose from the menu, the choice is amazing, there is something for everyone and as soon as I saw the words scotch egg and piccalilli my decision was made.  The Mister opting for Salt and Pepper Squid, the food arrived not too long after ordering and was an absolute taste sensation.  The egg was perfectly cooked and perfectly runny and the piccalilli was spicy enough not to overpower and dominate the taste, but give enough kick that there was a gentle heat.   
The salt and pepper squid was equally tasty, perfectly cooked so you didn't have that rubbery texture and seasoned enough so that you didn't have to add anything to it.
The Fable Bar and Restaurant
The Fable Bar and Restaurant

When choosing a main, this is where I struggled the most because there are 4-5 dishes that I really wanted to try.  Steve choosing a traditional sunny lunch rather quickly whereas I decided to go for the Wagyu Burger which is served with a blue cheese dressing accompanied by a tomato chutney - far too good to pass up the chance to try it.
With my burger came a choice of sides and I opted for Cowboy fries which are drizzled in honey, chilli and garlic, again they sounded too good to give up and provided the perfect accompaniment to my burger.
The Fable Bar and Restaurant
The Fable Bar and Restaurant
The Fable Bar and Restaurant
The Fable Bar and Restaurant

The beef in this burger was just so succulent and perfectly cooked.  I am one of those people who hates meat to be overcooked and resembling shoe leather.  Moist and mouth watering, the blue cheese dressing was again not too dominant that it disguised the taste of the meat, but served well as a dressing.  The chips, absolutely stunning, really well cooked but the fiery taste of the dressing on them was perfect, much more interesting than ketchup and they packed a powerful punch on the palette.
As well as sampling the food, we also got the sample a few drinks.  Starting first with some Green Tea, of which I am a huge fan, this was fresh tasting and had not bitter aftertaste to it, instead it was refreshing and thirst quenching.  Then feeling slightly more adventurous it was cocktail time.  I opted for a Passionfruit Mojito and Steve an original Mojito and all I can say is not only was it the best tasting Mojito I had ever had, but I could have happily sat there all day drinking them!
The Fable Bar and Restaurant
The Fable Bar and Restaurant

At this point we are both feeling rather full and out come the dessert menus to tempt us.  Before eating I had already spotted one dessert I rather fancied trying but I was far too stuffed to even contemplate it.  Then came the chance to try a cocktail in a teacup, my curiosity got the better of me and I ordered a Tipsy Affogato and Steve had the Raspberry Ripple.
The Fable Bar and Restaurant

The Fable Bar and Restaurant

The Tipsy Affogato with vanilla ice-cream, Amaretto and Kahula with a side helping of espresso is the perfect way to end what had been a stunning a brunch. It was tasty, though naturally teaming with alcohol, but not so much it left you with brain fog and to be served in a teacup and saucer was just brilliant. The Raspberry ripple which was a mixture of Johnny Walker Black, Drambuie and Honey Liquor was topped off with Raspberries and Cream and again it hit the right spot with a combination of being a tipple of alcohol and a dessert in one. If by this point you are still fully functioning and can eat something else, there are further options on the menu, but for me, I was fully stuffed and didn't need to see another scrap of food for the rest of the day.

If you are looking for somewhere in the (London) City, then The Fable Bar is more than definitely somewhere you should check out. Whether you want a snack, Lunch, a quick bite to eat or a full blown epic meal like we had, the prices are so reasonable and the food so flavoursome and filling that it more than good value for money.

*We were kindly sent to The Fable for review purposes.