
Saturday 23 May 2015

Are you comfortable in your own skin?

While my other half insists that he needs at least £10,000 of plastic surgery to rid his face of lines and wrinkles I’m fairly comfortable in my skin. That said, while BeautykingUK may look in the mirror and see someone else’s body it would appear he isn’t alone, and in fact the use of surgical procedures for purely aesthetic reasons are more popular than you would think.

It wasn’t until a snazzy new infographic from the New Birkdale Clinic popped into my inbox that the scale of procedures being undertaken across the UK really hit home. 

Would you believe that last year there were over 45,000 procedures across the country? No? Me neither, if you had asked me to guess I would have put the figure firmly in the region of around 10,000 but I would be way, way out! Even more striking is the fact that the total actually decreased in 2014 when compared to the year before.

What do I draw from the infographic? Well, to me it appears that as the economy picks up and most of us have more money to spend on luxury goods and services. This could explain the increase in procedures. Could it also be the explosion in clinics offering procedures and the decreasing cost of undergoing a procedure?

What was staggering for me was the sheer increase in the number of breast augmentations (boob job to you and me) - 231% since 2004 and the increase in breast reductions - 243% since 2004. Wow, there are a lot of people out there who just don’t like what they were given in the genetic mixing pot.
