
Tuesday 14 April 2015

Teaface | Your Tea

Those who read this blog regularly will know that I am a huge fan of odd sounding products, essential oils and put the two together and I am almost hyperventilating with excitement. So when Teaface landed in my lap, I wasn't too sure what to make of it. 

Ive read many articles which claim tea is great for the skin and I have been known to use tea bags in my bath, okay so I don't just chuck in some Tetley and hope for the best, these have been specially designed for bathing purposes and my skin has always reacted really well to it.

Described as being indulgence in a jar, Teaface is a mix of Tiny Tea granules which are then combined with healing high grade essential oils. Rosehip Oil which is full of essential fatty acids and Omega 3, 6 and 9 and is renowned for its moisturising abilities especially on skin which is need of some deep hydration. Jojoba Oil which is said to dissolve sebum that clogs up pores. Cold Pressed Coconut Oil, which as a beauty blogger, you will know it is amazing for the skin. Ylang Ylang Oil which is often used to moderate oily skin calm blemishes, tackle premature ageing and stimulate new skin cell growth.  Then of course TinyTea granules. These granules are said to alleviate hot/irritated skin, as well as to act as a soft yet effective exfoliate for the skin. Putting all of that together and you have a product which is designed for

  • gently exfoliating & revitalising skin
  • deeply nourishing skin
  • healing scars
  • addressing uneven skin tone
  • glowing complexion
When it comes to using this product, you firstly need to cleanse your skin to remove any dirt, grime and makeup.  Then you need a teaspoon full of the mixture which you then slather onto your face, massaging it in circular motions. As you do this, you can feel the tiny particles working on the skin, not in a harsh or abrasive manner, but just enough to know that it is working. 

After you have finished exfoliating, you can leave TeaFace on your skin to sink in for up to an hour before washing it off. I have used this a few times now and I am yet to find an easy to way to use it because it is quite runny due to the oils and you do need to ensure either shake it or stir it before using. The easiest way ive found to use it is by using an old make-up brush when applying to my face, it seems to make the least mess and it ensures I get a pretty even coverage.  As you can see it isn't the prettiest of products and it does look and feel like soaking wet tea granules, but in its defense, it not only smells incredible it left my skin feeling so incredibly soft and smooth and really hydrated.

Teaface is not tested on animals and because of its ingredients, once you opened, you should store it in the fridge where it will stay fresh for up to 1 year. It gets a huge thumbs up from me, it does what it says it will do and whilst being slightly messy, I am more than happy to continue to use it on my face, especially when my skin feels really dry and indeed of hydration.

Have you tried Teaface?