
Friday 20 March 2015

The Bee Good next Great British lip balm competition!

Those of you who read my blog regularly will know that I am a huge fan of the brand Bee Good and have featured many of their products. One of my favourites from the range is the Vanilla lip balm which is intensely conditioning and soothing, especially for chapped lips. So I was delighted when an email dropped into my inbox with the question:

Do you dream of designing your own beauty product? 
Would you love to see your name on-shelf across the UK? 

Well yes I do, who doesn't? It would be a dream come true! Well the team at Bee Good are on a mission to find the next Great British Lip Balm and they need your help to create the next flavour! 

Beauty bloggers have been an integral part of the Bee Good success story to date, so as a thank you for the supportive reviews and help with new product testing, Bee Good want to give something back! Everyone at Bee Good values the expert opinion of a beauty blogger, so who better to work with for such an exciting project?! 

All you need to do is use your imagination to generate an idea for the next Bee Good lip balm. Following on from the best-selling Vanilla & Honey Lip Balm, your new idea will need to be creative, yet appeal to the masses as the winning flavour will potentially be on-shelf at not only Waitrose, but also retailed online on the Bee Good website and hopefully in Bee Good's other stockists including LoveLula and Urban Outfitters.

Here are our top reasons to enter Bee Good’s competition to design the next Great British Lip Balm which will be launching before Christmas!
  • Every beauty blogger that takes part will be provided with artwork and badges for their blog site to encourage votes… use your loyal following to secure support in the final public vote! 
  • You will be profiled on Bee Good communication channels throughout the competition, including a feature in the e-newsletter and if chosen as a finalist, on the online voting portal! 
  • Five semi-finalists will be invited to Waitrose HQ to present their lip balm to the Waitrose beauty buyer and the Bee Good team (Bee Good will cover your expenses to and from the venue.)
  • Three finalists, determined from the judging day, will receive lab samples of their creation to give to family, friends or lucky blog followers.
  • The winner, voted by Bee Good customers, will have their blog name printed on the packaging design!
  • The winning product will be retailed on the Bee Good website, plus potentially in Waitrose and Bee Good online retailers including Urban Outfitters and LoveLula.
If you’re interested, all you have to do is drop an email to and we will send you the details you need to take part… including some helpful hints from Bee Good’s marketing director.
Please note that the closing date for entries is 17th April, so hurry!