
Tuesday 3 March 2015

Dr Organic Snail Gel Face Serum

I am obsessed with products which sound really odd and slightly weird - Sheep Placenta Cream, Dragons Blood Facemask, Be Venom and the product I have currently been loving by Dr Organic - Snail Gel Serum.  Now before you all sit there thinking 'snails ewwww' all I can say is don't knock it till you try it!

I first came across Snail Gel last year whilst at a Blogger event and I got to chat to some lovely people from Dr Organic who told me all about the range and where the idea came from, infact this is what Dr Organic has to say :

"Snail Gel boasts a wide range of anti-aging benefits including softened wrinkles, smoother skin, antioxidant protection and improved hydration. We combine Snail Gel’s unique ingredient Helix Aspersa Muller with a proprietary blend of bioactive, natural and organic extracts to formulate innovative skincare products. Specifically designed to hydrate, soothe and moisturise the skin, helping to develop a natural youthful glow".

Dr. Organic Snail Gel Range contains the mucus slime known as Helix Aspersia Muller, this is the slimy substance that the snails produce in order to rebuild and repair their damaged shells or skin.
It is quite a unique ingredient that is rich in complex blend of proteins, Glycolic Acid, Collagen and Elastin, all of which help with regeneration and reparation. Add to that with the further ingredients of Olive Leaf Extract, Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, Lemongrass Oil, Vitamin E, Rose Fruit Oil plus a few more and you have a formula which is said to have created a soothing non greasy serum that penetrates deep into the epidermis, instantly hydrating the skin to help leave it feeling smoother, nourished and restored, revealing a more youthful glow.

Knowing this has snail slime within it, I hadn't expected the serum to be anything like it is.  Firstly Lemongrass as a scent is really dominant and that is the main scent of the serum, despite any other ingredient.  The texture of the serum is not at all slimy, I am still not sure whether or not that disappoints me, but when applied to the skin it does feel lovely and cool, it is incredibly lightweight and absorbs really quickly and leaves no snail trail behind.  Instead what you get is soft, smooth and very moisturised skin, so smooth to the touch it is as though you have just had a facial.  Designed to be used both in the morning and in an evening, I use it after being in the shower so my pores are open, allowing it to sink in much further to do its job.

I am a big fan of this serum and if it I good enough for the likes of  Katie Holmes, Louise Redknapp who looks amazing, as well as Ashley Roberts ex Pussycat Dolls who in 2013 shared the contents of her make-up causing sales of Snail Gel to rocket by 700%!  So if it is good enough for them, it is good enough for me and all for just £17.99.

If this sounds like something you would love to try, then Dr Organic have an entire range to entice you in and they include: their best seller, the gel, face cream, facial serum, eye serum and moisture mask and hand nail elixir and you can purchase the range from Holland & Barrett.

Have you tried anything from the Snail Gel Range?  Would you?