
Sunday 15 March 2015

Davaj Face and Eye Serum

Every so often a product comes into your being which sounds amazing, you use it before taking photos like a naughty blogger and that is true of two serums I have been lucky enough to try by Davaj. Like many people, I love natural skincare and I especially love anything which contains essentials oils, I am a tad geeky when it comes to them because I like to read up and see what benefits they will or should have for me. The oils in these Davaj serums are not diluted with cheaper base oils and the ingredients in both formulas are picked carefully to work in synergy to bring skin nourishment with anti-wrinkle benefits!

Davaj Natural Serums blend together high quality ingredients to deliver dramatic visible anti-ageing benefits. Withing their range are three products - Eyes, Face and Body Serum. I was kindly sent the eye and face serums and they ooze luxury from start to finish.

Davaj Face and Eye Serum
Davaj Face and Eye Serum

As you can see the dark violet glass bottles, which are designed to store the natural products, not only work prolong the shelf life of each serum, but also boost vital properties of each ingredients. Each bottle also comes with a pipette, which makes using each serum an absolute breeze.

The Davaj Eye Lifting Serum was made with two main goals in mind, the is the ability to deliver dramatic skin improvement and to offer a one of a kind concentrated formula
 using quality organic oils and actives.  What I like about this serum is the ingredients.  We start with what are referred to as the base and for this Argan and Rosehip oils are used, both have powerful wrinkle reducing properties with Rosehip also being rich in Vitamin C and both help increase hydration in the skin.

Davaj Eye Serum
Davaj Eye Serum
Davaj Eye Serum

Further ingredients in the eye serum include Broccoli, Pomegranate and Moringa Seed Oils, as soon as I saw Broccoli, my interest was pricked because I have never used a product with it as an ingredient! It turns out that it is packed full of anti-oxidents and it also contains vitamin A, is highly moisturising and absorbs into the skin really quickly. All those seed oils come together to create a formula which is highly protective and restorative on the skin. The final ingredient I feel needs a mention is Carrot Seed Oil, which is described as having nearly magical rejuvenating effect on the skin, to not only soften and smooth the skin, but to assist with cell growth and skin rejuvenation and effectively repairs damage caused by free radicals.

What I love about this serum is that it isn't over oily and it isn't super runny.  When applied to the skin, it instantly disappears beneath the surface and leaves no trace behind that it was ever there.  I am lucky enough to not yet have notable wrinkles around my eyes, but the skin under my eyes, always looks much brighter.  This Serum has an RRP £55.

The Davaj - Intense Remodelling Face Serum, like the eye serum also has two main goals - to dramatically improve the overall condition of your skin and create a one of a kin concentrated formula to do just that.  The active ingredients in this formula starts with Omega 3,6, 9 Fatty Acids from Organic Argan Oil, they penetrate into the deeper layers of your skin. The use of Spillanthes Acmella Flower Extract which helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and Pomegranate Seed Oil which leaves your skin feeling soft, smooth and supple.  

After using, the first thing your skin feels is soft and smooth not to mention supple.  I was also surprised to find that there was no oily residue left anywhere on my face, though the oil does absorb itself super quick.  This Serum has an RRP £65 for 50ml.

Davaj Face Serum
Davaj Face Serum

Again within this serum there is one stand out ingredient and for it is Hazelnut Oil which contains Vitamin E, making it essential for the skin.  It is also described as being an effective skin tonic and moisturiser. Its astringent effect helps to tighten skin tone, regenerate cells and strengthen surface capillaries. It works really well for a good facial massage and is said to be particularly good for oily/acne prone skin types.

With all of these essential oils being included in each serum, I was surprised to find that there was no oily residue left on my skin after application and they both absorb themselves incredibly quickly into the skin.  With the eye serum, I have found that I only need to use two small drops from the pipette and I drop them onto the top of my hand, then using my index finger, transfer the serum to my under-eye.  With the facial serum, I have found that again, less is more and no more than 4 drops are required to complete the application to my face. 

Scent wise, you don't have to worry about walking around smelling of broccoli because neither smell of vegetables, infact to me, the scent of fruit is the first thing to capture my senses and as you massage the serums into your skin, the smell disappears.

Overall, these for me have been a fantastic discovery.  I use them both morning and evening when I feel my skin really does need some TLC, rather than using them everyday and you love discovering new products with natural ingredients, then Davaj must be your next stop.