
Friday 16 January 2015

Purrfect Box for Cats

When asked if I would like to review the Christmas Purrfect subscription box, I jumped at the chance because my cats enjoyed the last one so much, it would be a perfect little treat for them. If you are a regular reader of my blog or my Hubby's blog, you will know that we have three male tabby cats who are often referred to as the #furkids and they make regular appearances on Instagram.

Purrfect box** is a brand new UK subscription service which allows you to treat your cat or your dog every month with a boy of treats.  These treats include toys, accessories, hygiene and personal care products all of which will be customized and chosen by the information you give on your cat's age, size, weight, fur type and preferences. Each month has a different theme so you get different goodies each month. The cost is £19.50 per month or £15.50 if you subscribe yearly and you can see the original box I had HERE.

As this box is Christmas themed, you won't be surprised by some of the contents and this is what we have.

So there was a lot of interest in this box as soon as I placed it on the floor for the boys to look at and the first one in the box was no surprise, the little hunter that we call Asbo.  This box has something for each of my three cats, whether it is to eat or to play with, though it is no surprise that one item has become a firm favourite with the three of them.

The first item is a multi-pack of treats by Good Girl.  Like any cat, mine love a treat or five, though I do seriously try to limit their intake of these and instead reward them for good behaviour or just being cute.  In this bag there are milk drops, catnip drops and catnip biscuits, all of which we are yet to try and all of which will be totally new treats for them.

The next item is the Merry Mice Toys from HappyPet and these little critters are crinkly so make a nice crisp bag scrunching sound when played with and are perfectly designed for being carried around, rolled on and chewed.

Chick 'n' Snacks follows and again, as with treats, I try my best to stick to the guidelines given by my own vet rather than on the packet and having let my boys try these, they seemed a little unsure at first, but now know as soon as I rattle the packet that there is a treat coming their way.

The next item is the one which has caused the most excitement from all three boys (though one is too camera shy to appear) and it is the one toy that they will fight over and chase each other for because it comes with a tube of catnip, which you open and pour into the inside of the mouse and then let them get excited and drool away - like so!

Wrestling the cat nip mouse from them to try out the next item which comes in the form of a glove and is called the Grooming Glove from Camon.  The one things about having pets is that they shed hair, some only a little and others a lot and it is a natural cycle that cats go through to get both their summer and winter coat.  Mine are no exception to this rule and I am sure they have an inbuilt antennae which tells them I am wearing a lovely clean pair of black jeans which are furless, only for them to come and want to jump on my lap!  This Grooming Glove is designed so be worn over your hand and then act as a brush to help you groom your cat and remove those loose hairs which are waiting to fall off.   My cats loved to be brushed and they are quite keen on this glove too.

The final toy in this selection is a Christmas themed gingerbread man shaped teaser toy which is hangs off of a piece of elastic on a pole.  The idea being that you tease the cat with it, they get a bit of exercise and the poor toy gets pulled to bits.  My cats are big fans of these toys and happily bounce all over the show trying to catch it, when they do catch it they attack it as though it was once alive.  For a bit more fun, you can drizzle cat nip onto it to add to their excitement.

The final item is something no Christmas is the same without and that is a stocking for all these lovely gifts and infact it has come in really handy for storing all the treats in because it is both cool and dark. 

So there you have it, the Christmas box from Purrfect for cats, there is also an alternative for the dog in your life which you can find HERE.

My cats have absolutely loved this box and if all of those toys and treats were not enough, well all that is left to say is show a cat and a box and this is what you get: