
Thursday 15 January 2015

An Age Old Dilemma and Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Is there a person among us who has never worried about growing old and all the afflictions which come with the natural ageing process? Weaker eye sight, deteriorating teeth, sore muscles, and cranky old joints are just some of old age’s side effects which terrify us. And yet, perhaps the scariest of them all is the inevitable arrival of wrinkles, especially on our faces.

I mean, these are faces we have been proud of all through our lives. They identify us, define us, and help us become attracted to another - or many others. In an increasingly appearance conscious world, one where we are constantly connected to everyone else on the planet through social media, a person’s face has become their single greatest asset.

Obviously then, if anything were to happen to our faces, be it accidental or natural, we would be completely terrified. So it is for most of us, and so it was for a dear friend of mine. Now, before I tell you about her dilemma and her experiences with the solution she found, let me quickly explain that Rachel, to me, is absolutely gorgeous. She is a little older than me, loves the outdoors, and has a constantly lively personality.

So what then, you ask, is the problem? Well, her lifestyle, with the prolonged exposure to the sun and the wind, combined with the fact that she is almost always smiling and laughing, had left her with the odd wrinkle on her face, and quite a few smile and laughter lines. If you ask me, they added a touch of wisdom and even more charm to her appearance, and I told her so. Yet, she was adamant about rejuvenating her skin and restoring its smooth and youthful appearance. Her solution: skin treatment with Botox for wrinkles from a private cosmetic clinic in Harley Street, London.

Honestly, I was incredibly nervous when I first heard her intentions. After all, how many botched up Botox jobs had I seen on celebrities? I didn’t know much about anti-wrinkle injections then, and some of my uncertainty must have gotten to Rachel too, because she became rather nervous as the date of her first appointment at the clinic drew closer. She dove into research, having done none of it before making the appointment in her usual, act-first-think-later style.

I was curious myself, so I helped her with the research, and what we found on the internet didn’t quite help us reassure ourselves. The day of the appointment came, and Rachel begged me to go with her - for moral support, if nothing else. As it turns out, that first day was a simple consultation with the doctor to discuss Rachel’s background and medical history, but his answers to our questions did help to calm us down considerably.

Once the clinic had formulated a treatment plan for Rachel’s wrinkles, they called her back, and she dragged me along once again. The doctor began by examining her ability to move different facial muscles, and then mapped out the area which was to be treated. Then, and this was the really scary part for me, he made several small injections into Rachel’s face, explaining that they would target the muscles which were causing the wrinkles, and each worked at a different, specific depth and with varying volumes of fluid.

Ten minutes later, it was done, and a week afterwards, Rachel had her natural, smooth, glowing skin again. She told me the injections had felt like little mosquito bites, but that it had all been worth it, for she felt like she looked at least 5 years younger, if not more. She did too! The results totally amazed me, and have me convinced that when I eventually, inevitably get wrinkles, I would undergo the same treatment, and if possible, from the same clinic.
