
Friday 5 December 2014

Why I cancelled my Glossybox

Some of you observant Bloggers have noticed the lack of Glossybox post from me this month and the simple reason is because I cancelled it.  It wasn't a decision I took lightly, after all I had subscribed to it for well over a year and it wasn't all bad, but when I decided to write my list of pro's and con's as to whether or not I kept it, it wasn't pretty reading, so I thought I would share some of those with you in a post and I would love to know your thoughts.

Some of the topics in this post will cover:

  • Glossydots
  • Special Boxes
  • Themes
  • Brands
  • Samples
  • Like, Love Loathe - products

Every month as people began to showcase their boxes, mine would arrived and more often that not I was disappointed with the contents, it was as though they had come to the bottom of the pile and just chucked random items in and it came to the point where I was preferring the design of the box to the contents.

One of the things that really irritated me recently was the change in compensation on Glossydots.  To drop from 50 to 20 I think was just a bit mean. For those people who are not subscribers, essentially every month you complete a short survey on each item in your box in exchange for 50 dots (now 20) which went towards getting a free Glossybox.  Each year you would get one or two 'free' Glossyboxes, where your subscription wasn't taken and your box was free.  To get this box you needed 1000 Glossypoints, so after every 4 boxes you probably had enough to 'cash out' - now at 20 points, it will be almost one year before this happens.  Add to this that any surveys you had to complete in your profile inbox were automatically reduced in value to 20 dots - slightly unfair in my view because we don't always use the products within a month to complete the survey to give an actual view.

The next thing that has been irritating me is the 'special' box. Currently (though it may now be sold out) there is a Harvey Nichols Box  which is full of really good items from really good brands - Laura Mercier, NARS, Benefit, OPI and Elemis to name a few.  Now this box costs £30 to subscribers plus P&P and £35 plus P&P and my main issue is -  WHY are these brands never in the boxes I have been paying for all this time? Why make it a 'special' box that anyone could have, when as a gesture, turn it into a box as a thank you or even keep it at the same monthly price? 

The themes - hmmm another issue I always had. Take the Stars and Stripes box that came back in July (you can see it here) and well I think from the comments that I got from other Bloggers let alone my own post, you can see the views and I didn't use a single item from that box, including those replacements. Compare that box to the Superdrug special  which you can see HERE,  for me, this is the best Glossybox I have ever had, not only did I use all the products, I actually re-purchased most of them.  For me, there is no point in having a theme if the products just don't fit it.  Dark Romance is just another odd theme to have with these products as the content.

Then we come to the brands.  One of the reasons I joined Glossybox was to try new and exciting products from brands I had heard of, maybe even bought products from and in the hope of discovering new brands.  Well, I guess I got a mixture of the two in many ways but then the repeated products would appear in another box later in the year, or there would be a few months where the same brand would appear and it began to grate on me a little bit which takes me back to the surveys.  As ive said, every month you get a survey to fill in about your products within your box and one of those questions is whether or not you like it, want to see more of them in your box and so on... so why if you say no, do they keep appearing? I got to the point with my surveys where I didn't see the point in completing them as I felt like no one was reading them.

Samples - now if I am paying £12.95 for a beauty box, I would like something more than a sample I can find in a magazine, admittedly some magazines had better freebies some months than my Glossybox (see this the March box).  Now I am all for perfume samples, though not every month, and samples of creams, but please, can they be bigger than two fingers worth which means I get to try them once and not form a view on them and nor do I want sachets of cream that I can get in Cosmo.

This wasn't meant to be a ranty post because it hasn't all been bad.  Infact had I not subscribed to Glossybox I would might never have tried Dr Lipp Nipple Balm which is one of my Holy Grail products, nor would I have bought Max Factor Primer, which I also love or the Nuxe Masque Creme Fraiche which I have a review on soon.  But from all the products I have had over the time I subscribed, isn't it quite sad that those are the only two that come to mind and jump out at me that I have loved? And that is what finally did it for me.  That and the USA both for a Tarte product this month, which alone would have been amazing but if I start comparing the UK box to the ones in the USA, I will get even more angry!

So that is for now, the end of Glossybox for me.  I am quite sad in a way because I did enjoy the excitement of getting the box every month, but I won't miss the disappointment of not getting products I want to use and I get to save an extra £12.95

Do you still subscribe to Glossybox? 
Do you think I have made any valid points?