
Wednesday 31 December 2014

Last post of 2014

Wow so this is the last day of 2014 and instead of leaving with a review, I just wanted to say a huge

To each and everyone of you who is reading this, reads my blog, leaves comments, messages me across social media, has emailed me, I've met via blogging, I've worked with, am working with and generally supports me.  It means so much that someone takes the time out of their lives to spend just a few minutes reading what I have to say and sometimes saying thank you is what I should do more often.

Over the past year I have seen quite a few changes to my blog that I am chuffed to bits with. Whether it is regular comments, new people commenting, new followers and even the other way round. I have taken the time to find new blogs to read, some that I have no experience in whatsoever, but do you know what, I've enjoyed every minute of it.  I don't try and 'fit in' because that isn't me, I am who I am.

I've tried my best to support some new bloggers on the scene by commenting as regularly as I can, I've been to blog events and met other bloggers, some of whom have become really good friends and I hope to meet more of you.  I've even stated watching YouTube videos and leaving a comment but the thing I am probably most proud of is my Hubby and his blog, you might know him better as Beautykinguk and if you have a few spare minutes, please do  go and say hello to him, being a male beauty blogger (though he is also doing fashion too) isn't all that easy a task and thee are very few community groups that exist, so it is quite hard to get yourself acquainted at times.

Anyway as this is my last post of 2014, I want to wish you all

Enjoy whatever it is you do today and tonight and I will see you next year!