
Wednesday 26 November 2014

If you could change the way you experience your periods would you? Yes me too!  Let me introduce you to PeriodBox**, it is a premium monthly subscription service that bundles your choice of tampons and pads with hand-picked goodies and exquisite treats to cheer you up when you most need it - how good does that sound?

Like a subscription box you might subscribe to for your beauty needs, this box aims to ensure you never have to do some last minute shopping because you have run out/forgotten or have to send the other half down to Tesco to get your Tampons.  So instead, PeriodBox will deliver your tampons or pads to you every month so you don't, but that is not all!  Instead with every box you will get a selection of premium teas, chocolates from artisan manufacturers and high-end beauty samples. You will also receive a unique design gift or a beautiful art print by our featured artist of the month.

So how does it work? I was lucky enough to be sent a box to try and I am just so impressed with it.  Once you have to the website you essentially fill out your profile and it you will be asked questions based on the length of your period and how long your cycle lasts and can then you can select the number of items in your box and choose the tampons and/or pads of your choice. No matter what your personal preference is – tampons during the day, pads at night you get to choose, right down to which brand you prefer.  Then once everything has been selected you sit and wait for your box to arrive and when it does, this is it:

Period Box


Period Box Contents

Now for me, the box is quirky enough to put a smile on my face, especially the inside of the box with the 'How's it flowing' statement!  So inside my box other than my chosen choice of Tampons, pads and panty liners for my month we have the following:


Super Happiness Tea from BrewHaHa - A boutique tea brand from Glasgow that creates lovely teas in beautiful retro packaging using only the finest tea from Sri-Lanka.  This tea is a reviving Green Tea with warm vanilla & cherry marigold, this tea will give you a lovely glow.  Ingredients: Green Tea, Vanilla and Cherry Marigold.


Caramel and Sea-salt Chocolate from Chocolate & Love - Now I don't know about you girls, but I am a chocoholic at any time of the month, never mind THAT time of the month, but it is always welcomed with open arms and eaten before you have a chance to see it. This chocolate features the unique combination of Caramel and Sea-salt by the award winning and family owned chocolate brand Chocolate and Love. Now I'm not going to lie, it tastes absolutely amazing, you can tell it is made of the finest organic ingredients.


Au Lait Body Milk & Shower Gel from Scottish Fine Soaps - Now both of these bottles smell divine, at 50ml each, there is plenty to use on more than one occasion and they are perfect for a long weekend away.   Scottish Fine Soaps are a luxurious beauty brand whose products now sell in over 30 different countries around the world.


The Art Print by Olga Angelloz - Belarusian illustrator and designer Olga Angelloz combines fashion illustration and anthropomorphism in her latest project called 'Fashion Humanimals'.  As she is the Artist of the month, the card inside each box has been designed by Olga and I really like my print, it is both quirky and cute all rolled into one with the cat woman/model and famous Coco Chanel quote.

Olga Angelloz print

The final item in my box is a condom, im not sure anything else needs to be said about this. I love that it is included and find it an important part of the box.


As mentioned, this is a subscription box and it is a company/project run by Mags and Danielle who both quit their jobs to start this and I personally think it is brilliant and it is only a few weeks old. Now depending on how long/short your period is does reflect on the price of your box and you can find all the information you need on that HERE but what you do get to do is choose whether you have a monthly box or subscribe for 3 months at a time.  
The best part is that your package is shipped five days before you tell us your period is due, so you´re prepared and the boxes will always be discreet enough to ship to your office!

What do you think to Periodbox? 
Is it something you would purchase or gift to a friend?