
Tuesday 21 October 2014

Skn Clinics

I am one of those lucky ones who never really suffered with breakouts at school, I get the odd spot now and again but other than that ive been quite lucky. The same cannot be said for my younger brother and sister who when they were younger and for my sister, even now had bad skin. Both suffer from breakouts, in the same place funnily enough, on both cheeks. Growing up the main spot treatment everyone used to turn too never really did anything for my skin, if I did get that dreaded one spot, which would be huge and on the end of my nose or right in the middle of my forehead, I always slapped Sudocrem on it and away it would go, but not everyone is that fortunate.

These days there are so many options for people to choose from when it comes to Acne treatment and there is just so much more advice out there for people. Skn Clinics offers a huge amount of treatments for Acne Scarring

Acne scarring occurs in the dermis, which is the area of skin immediately below the surface that acts somewhat like a cushion. When people suffer with acne, the dermis becomes inflamed as the body attempts to repair the wound created when scaly skin, pimples or blackheads are burst or otherwise removed.  

Is the apparently explanation as to what it is and I know for some family and friends, it has made them lose their self confidence because they constantly believe people stand and stare at them, knowing there is something that can be done, really pleases me.

At Skn Clinics every treatment is different for each person and a consultation is offered with trained and experienced skin experts to help the patient decide. In some cases, combining multiple treatments may have the best effect. I have been reading through some of the stories from people who have been having treatment and the results are amazing, ive even emailed one of them to my cousin who had the worst acne I have ever seen in someone right up until she was in her late 20's and she used to pack on her make-up so people wouldn't stare at her, now I am hoping she will read the article I have sent.

Have you ever had this kind of treatment?

*This article contains a sponsored link