
Saturday 11 October 2014

EcoHydra Hand Sanitiser

Did you know The average ‘clean looking’ pair of hands can hold up to a shocking 10 million germs, leaving many of us guilty of passing on the stubborn bacteria that can cause illnesses such as colds, influenza, skin infections, and food poisoning, without even realising it? - Ewwww!

With the job that I do, I tend to spend quite a lot of my time dealing with members of the public, people I don't know and have never met until they ring the office doorbell, so the constant shaking of hands, germs and bacteria is something I always worry about. I could spend half of my day constantly washing my hands in a bid to ensure they are kept clean, but overtime that plays havoc with your skin, so I started to use hand santisers as an alternative.  When I was sent a product called EcoHydra, an alcohol free hand sanitiser which claims to kill up to 99.9999% of bacteria, I was delighted to be trying it out.

EcoHydra Hand Sanitiser

EcoHydra Hand Sanitiser

For me, alcohol based hand sanitisers are a no-no, they dry my skin out and are too harsh on my skin. EcoHydra comes out of its container, which features a pump, in a foam consistancy and once rubbed into my hands, it disappears almost immediately, leaving behind no stick trace or greasy feel afterwards. There is chemical scent, infact no scent at all and my hands are left feeling nice and clean, the added inclusion of Aloe Vera is something I really like, because it is soothing on the skin and it has a lasting protection of up to 4 hours, which I find to be quite impressive.

EcoHydra state that their Free Hand Sanitiser 100 times more effective at killing bugs and germs to the high street equivalents and It has proven efficacy against E coli, Sars, Bird Flu, MRSA and NoroVirus not to mention that it has been chosen for use by NASA and is now approved by the NHS.  It is suitable for use on all skin types as well as being gentle enough for use on children.

Since using it, my hands have not become sore or irritated from over-washing and in 4 weeks of using 5 times a week, approximately 4-5 times a day, I have probably more than half of my bottle left to use. EcoHydra Hand Sanitiser comes in 50ml bottles and will retail for £2.49 at boots.

Do you use a hand sanitiser?