
Thursday 11 September 2014

The Autumn Tag 2014

As you know, the lovely Georgina from Makeup-Pixi3 loves her seasonal tags and with Autumn being her favourite season of the year, a new one for 2014 has been created, so I thought I would.  If you're reading this, you're tagged!  If you tag me in the tweet when you share it, I'll RT it too :D

1.  Ok we're talking coffee's - what's your favourite seasonal drink from Starbucks/Costa/Cafe Nero etc?
I gave up coffee almost a year ago now and tea as well to try and not be so dependent on it to get me through the day.  So now I drink a few fruit teas and things like Jasmine tea, the decaffeinated version.  So for me this Autumn, I am going to be looking forward to all of the hot chocolates which Starbucks and Costa have on offer to tempt me in!

2.  Accessories - what do you opt for, scarf, boots, gloves?
I like big chunky kit scarves for outdoors, but indoors I am a pretty girly scarf kind of girl.  I hardly ever wear gloves as ive got small hands and therefore hide them up the sleeves of my coat. Boots, I am a cowboy/biker boot kind of girl and I am yet to find some for this year!

3.  Music - what's your favourite music to listen to during Autumn?
My musical tastes don't change really. I am a rocker at heart and love bands like Queen, Five Finger Death Punch, 

4.  Perfume - what's your favourite scent for this time of year?
Bvlgari Pour Femme is one I always wear on special occasions, but I am absolutely loving DKNY perfumes right now and am intending to add my collection, as they are so wearable.

5.  Candles - what scents will you be burning this season?
I am currently burning Aromatherapy Associates Inner Strength Candle which is brilliant for relaxing after a hard day.  I am a huge candle fan and love to have something in each room.

6.  What do you love most about Autumn?
The dark nights drawing in and being able to get home, close the curtains, switch a lamp on and light some candles to sit back and relax.  I also love watching as the tress begin to loose their leaves and allowing my inner child to come out and collect conkers!

7.  Favourite makeup look?
Still a neutral girl with a pinky/nude lipstick.  I do however opt for darker nail polish, especially deep berry shades which I absolutely adore.

8.  What are you looking forward to most in Autumn?
Other than Halloween and Bonfire night, two dates I absolutely love, it will then soon be Christmas!  As soon as Autumn arrives, winter is banging on the door which means Christmas shopping, sparkles, roasted chestnuts!

Don't forget to tweet me your posts and mention Georgina as the creator of the tag :)  and also let me know if you have done it/ are doing it, so I can come and read your answers.