
Thursday 1 May 2014

Five Among Friends Q&A

Hello and welcome to this month's Five Among Friends! 

This month's questions were created by Lauren from MrsHippo&Me

The theme is... YOUR HOME (with photos!!)

''This month I thought I'd do something a little different. One photo alone speaks a thousand words so instead of you just writing your answers, I want to see them! So add an accompanying photo along with your answer'' Lauren @ MrsHippo&Me

1.) Where do you live? 

I live with the Mister in North London, not originally from London, infact neither of us are, we are both (proud) northerners

2.) Which room in your home do you spend the most time in and why? 

At the minute it s the bedroom, I am not going to lie, I love nothing more than laying in bed with my iPad watching Revenge via Amazon Prime Video Streaming.  But if not there then here:

The Allotment, not quite my home and a slight cheat, but as we don't have a garden we have the next best thing.  Our very own plot of land for growing things and for BeautykingUK to start fires and do man things in the shed!

3.)  Within your home, which is your most treasured item?

Cats... I couldn't imagine life without my boys (Hubby included of course), they mean the world to me and are my fur-kids. 

4.) Do you have a favourite item or group of items? This can be furniture, photographs, ornaments..anything you like. 

This is my favourite photo.  We got married in Vegas and didn't have an official photographer and a friend who was with us took this shot immediately after we got married, so this is the first photo of us being husband and wife.

5.) What is the strangest thing in your home? 

Well I don't know that anyone else can proudly announce that they have got crabs like I can... yes honestly I do... though they are in my aquarium with my tropical fish.

There you have it guys, we hope you enjoyed reading this month's Five Among Friends. Don't forget, you can join in on the fun too!! All you have to do is copy the questions on to your blog and add your link to the Linky below!

Don't forget to check out the other girls!!

Alex - Bump To Baby
Jessica - Our Baby Blog
Rachel - BeautyQueen UK