
Tuesday 1 April 2014

Five Among Friends

Welcome to a new feature, Five Among Friends, where myself & some of my closest blogging friends will be linking up for a a series of Q & A's once every month.

We'd love to see your answers to the questions too - Just post your Q & A on your blog and then put your link in the Linky below and we'll be sure to check them out! Don't forget to check out other peoples answers too!

This week's theme is Right now I'd rather be.....

This week's questions were written by Kerry at Lived With Love….

The Questions

1) Right now, I'd rather be sitting….. at the Blackjack table in Las Vegas with Steve, totally relaxed watching people play with fascination.

2) Right now, I'd rather be wearing….my PJ's and be having a duvet day at home watching Revenge, I have become a tad obsessed with that show

3) Right now, I'd rather be eating…. Fresh Lobster with chips by the seaside

4) Right now, I'd rather be listening too... Metallica live on Stage with Kiss as one of their acts

5) Right now, I'd rather be with…. my beloved hubby BeautykingUK at that Blackjack table in Vegas, watching him play (and win).

Don't forget to check out the other girls answers too....

Alex - Bump To Baby
Jessica - Our Baby Blog
Lauren - Mrs Hippo & Me
Rachel - BeautyQueen UK