
Wednesday 5 March 2014

Introducing MadeCloser

When you buy a product whether on the High Street or online, do you ever wonder where it has really come from?  Would you like to know more about the item you are buying?  Well let me introduce you to Madecloser a place where you, the customer can buy any goods that are originally manufactured within your own continent and they are sorted by area - in order of local, regional, national or continental location.

The brain child of  John Palaguta-Iles, MadeCloser came to being in February 2011 when he spent quite some time searching for locally, ethically produced products for his new home, products that he could trace the origin of its manufacture and could get from a retailer that was closer to him.  Having found it quite a difficult task, he came up with MadeCloser, an online marketplace where ethically and locally manufactured goods, literally made closer, could be more readily found and purchased by like-minded people.

MadeCloser state that they are:

Uniquely for an online marketplace, shoppers who care about local economies, sustainable commerce, helping the planet and helping fellow citizens, can choose products from a wide-ranging catalogue of goods - all Made Closer!

So how does it work? Manufacturers register their products with MadeCloser to sell them on the their marketplace, as a customer we can then sort those products from continental to regional levels to find a product that we want from the closest manufacturer to you.

There are so many products that I liked from this website and from a choice of twelve different categories such as Jewellery, Health and Beauty, Home and garden and Animals and pets to name just a few, the choice is quite literally endless when looking for that perfect item or gift and here are some of my favourite items:

For those of you who are interested in ethics first, and economic and environmental sustainability, MadeCloser is a site you will like because whilst reading about MadeCloser, I was encouraged to find that it gives two thirds of its' net profit, to charities that comply with at least one of its charitable pre-requisites:
  • ŸSupporting the preservation and evolution of indigenous and endangered cultures and species
  • ŸActive involvement in local, national & continental self sustainability
  • ŸThe education of free will and self governance
  • ŸWorking with nature to fight disease
Out of this donated money, half of the funds go to causes and projects in the actual region of the individual customer. Whether you are a retailer, someone who is crafty or like me, someone who often wonders where products actually come from and wants to find something that has been made by a person, with a lot of love, rather than factory made in their millions, then MadeCloser is the place you should definitely come to look at.  
