
Wednesday 19 March 2014

Bobbi Brown Bronze Shimmer Brick - Plus Giveaway

Bobbi Brown is a brand of make-up that I have never used before. Obviously I have heard of it, but always thought it was designed for people with a much darker skin tone than my own pale version, how wrong am I!

When the lovely Ashley from Mizspa contacted me to ask if I would like to try the Bronze Shimmer Brick, I jumped at the chance, having hit pan on my beloved Hoola, I am in need of a replacement and this sounded amazing and is described as follows:

"For an instant glow that's like moonlight, sunlight and candlelight, all at once, take this full feathery brush, twirl around the compact and sweep across the face. The result is addictive"

It comes packaged inside this wonderfully sleek black palette with the Bobbi Brown logo/insignia clearly visible. 

Once it has been opened up, you can see that the Shimmer brick is made up of 5 colours which I would describe as being from top to bottom as a pale gold, a champagne pink, a warm bronze, a rose gold and finally a deep copper bronze. There is a lovely mirror which is takes up the one whole topside of the compact, which is obviously always really helpful and handy to have.

The shimmer brick itself is fairly pigmented and shimmery and it reminds me of the baked eye-shadows that I have from other brands. It comes with an accompanying brush which is perfect for applying this too your face without adding too much of the product and the bristles themselves are really soft and smooth to use. As well as using this on your cheeks, you can also use it as an eye palette, which I discovered after not paying too much attention to the make-up item I was adding and it works really well, again you can build up the colour, or leave it to be as natural as you want it to be.

I am so impressed with this Shimmer Brick that I have been offered one to give you lovely readers as a giveway. As always the entry form can be found below and all you need to do is complete it.  This is also an International give-away, so you can all enter.  

Please note the first few options are mandatory and entries will be checked.