
Sunday 9 March 2014

A Camera for the Iphone

When the beautiful Louise mentioned she had bought a Macro Lense for her iPhone I was intrigued, you can read her post HERE, but so impressed that I was straight on Amazon to order my own version.  After looking around I settled on the XCSource 180 Degree set which cost me just £6.79 - an absolute bargain!

I have mentioned a few times on my blog that the one thing that gets to me is my useless photos, mainly all taken with my iPhone because I always have it within my grasp and it is simple and easy to use.  So one of my aims was to improve my photography and this is just the start.

It features a detachable and portable clip which you attach to your phone and then place one of the three lenses in, a pouch to store all of your lenses and two lense covers.  The three lenses are as follows:
  • Fish Eye Lense  - has a magnification of up to 180 degrees
  • Wide Angle Lense
  • Macro Lense
The photograph below shows two photographs, the first is taken using the Macro and Wide Angle lense together and the one below is taken just using my iPhone with no lense and the difference to me is quite amazing.

Once the clip is attached to the phone, all you need to do is twist the lenses into place and then you can twist them too and fro to get the right angle and ensure there is no blurring and then snap away.  The clip, which you can see below, is similar to a bulldog clip and once it is on your phone, it stays in place and doesn't move about, unless you move it.

As you can see from the photos above, the lenses fit really nicely into the clip and are easy to add and remove, which again is a bonus.

I have been using these lenses for a good month or so now, getting used to them, trying out new things and I think I have almost mastered the art, some of the photos that have appeared on my blog over the past few weeks have contained images taken using the camera, not sure whether any of you noticed or not - now there is a quiz to be had!

If you are looking for something like this, then it is compatible with the iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5S, 5C and the Samsung Galaxy S2, S3 and S4 to name a few of them.  Everything else they are compatible with is listed on Amazon.

Now obviously this is a quick fix solution and not as good as having a proper camera, but for a novice like me it has been a brilliant addition to my iPhone and something which gives me just that little bit more confidence when taking photos.

Have you got anything like this?