
Saturday 3 August 2013

Inhibitif: The End of being a Shave Slave - on holiday!!

You'll probably know by now that I have been trialling Inhibitif on my blog and not only do I like it... I love it. For those of you who haven't read about it, my Inhibitif series can be found:
The idea of this product is that you apply Inhibitif evenly on shaved or waxed body areas twice per day for 2 months or until body hair appears nearly invisible. Then reduce application to 3 times per week to maintain results. Then you should see initial results within 2 weeks and then within 2 months hair should appear finer and finer until the hair removal routine becomes easier and less in frequency as the graphic below shows.

The End of being a Shave Slave - on holiday!!

So as I was going away for 6 nights and couldn't take my Inhibitif with me and nor could I at the last minute find a bottle to transfer some into that would be okay for hand luggage (that is all I took) then I would have to go without it and see how my legs reacted.  So before I left, I continued using Inhibitif as you do 3 times a week and I found I had to shave my legs once, twice a week at the most (beforehand it was every other day).

So the morning that I left, my legs were shaved and sprayed leaving them all nice, soft, smooth, hair free and moisurised as shown below:

The End of being a Shave Slave - on holiday!!

When I came back 6 days later, this is what you can see...

The End of being a Shave Slave - on holiday!!

Just a few small stubbly bits of hair had become visible and for the first time I didn't feel I had to rush out and grab a razor whilst on holiday to shave my legs due to paranoia particularly as I wouldn't have got one in my hand luggage.

Have you tried Inhibitif yet? What are your thoughts on it?