
Saturday 20 April 2013

Not just any band... Popband!

My hair comes just past my shoulders and I either wear it up or down, that is as exciting as life gets with me.  If it is down then it is poker straight and if it is up, it is just up because it is doing my head in or for whatever I decide at the time.  All that aside I always have a bobble or scrunchie around my wrist, then if I want to tie my hair up I can, it is like a security blanket, I am never without either and I carry a spare in my bag for those ‘just incase’ moments.
I was sent three Popbands by Molly Mabel to play with and when I opened the rather fantastically coloured jiffy envelope, inside this is what I found:

Just how pretty are these pop bands?  They are so cute a little bit more attractive than the scrunchie which currently holds my hair up and the colours are really lovely, add to that each one of them has a pretty jewel bead which is attached to them, as you can see each jewel is different and they move around the band really easily and naturally if you have more than one Popband, you can mix and match the jewels as much as you want and even have more than one at a time on the band.  These bands are such a simple, yet fabulous idea I wish I had thought of it myself.

The idea actually came from two self-diagnosed shop-aholics, one loves all things shiny and the other wants perfection and gym candy for her hair, something a bit different and sparkly and between them the Popband was born. 

So what are Popbands? Well Popbands they are referred to as being Hair and Wrist Candy and marketed as being soft, stretchy 'no dent' hair bands which are designed to hold hair up tight and still leave it fresh and kink-free when you take it down!  If like me you have worn hair bands for years, you always find you have a natural kink in your hair and one that takes forever to straighten with your GHD’s, however, since wearing these Popbands, I was delighted that I can have my hair up for hours either in a ponytail or just shoved up off my face and there are no kinks in my hair when I take it down - brilliant.

Once in your hair you can’t even feel that they are there and you can sleep with them in and not feel anything digging into your head, once in they are there to stay.  The band itself is a very stretchy piece of elastic with a knot in the end and it can be undone and re-tied to your liking.  As I said, my hair is shoulder length and whilst quite fine, I have a lot of hair, not a problem for these Popbands, they held my hair perfectly.

So just to re-cap:

Popbands won’t:
• dent/kink your hair
• rip your hair
• flirt with your man

Popbands will:
• look and feel great in your hair and on your wrist
• be gentle with your hair and give it a little cuddle
• stay in place and make you wear your hair up more

When it comes to purchasing these Popbands you can buy them individually, as a twin pack or in a multi-pack version and each option has a different price.  The Molly Mabel website has its very own shop which you can find HERE and postage, which is Royal Mail Standard Postage, is free.  So whether you want something plain and subtle, something glittery or something with an animal print, you will find it all in the shop.