
Tuesday 9 April 2013

Lush Imogen Rose Perfume

With my love for Lush I am intending to make way through their entire product collection, I seem to be up to date with trying all of the Bath Ballistics and I am almost done with the Bubble Bar slices, so its no mean feat being a Lush-o-holic. However, I am always really happy to try new products and the one product section with Lush that I am not so familiar with is their perfume range. So I decided that it was about time I tackled this problem and purchased myself something from the range, whilst trying some of the new products.

Lush perfumes come in 6 different aromas - Tuca Tuca, Ginger, Orange Blossom, The Smell of Freedom, Karma and Imogen Rose. They are all sold in store and online.

Lush Imogen Rose Perfum

As ever with Lush, nothing is ever straight forward when it comes to a product and the perfume range is no different. For starters with Imogen Rose, of which I have in my possession, it is available in a bottle or as a solid perfume. I have never in my lifetime tried a solid perfume, so I thought I might as well give it go and see if I could be converted. 

So the solid perfume is priced at £10 and for that you get a 12g stick and I say stick because what you get is a fatter, dumpier version of a chapstick to describe how it looks and the tube itself is black and on the tube it features white writing which tells you it is 'Imogen Rose' and a solid perfume, so you definitely know which product you have purchased. The lid is one of those similar to the ones you find on a tube of lip salve and is simply removed by pulling it odd and then re-applied by pushing it back on, so thankfully that is a simple task. Then to reveal the solid perfume, again the characteristics of a lip salve/chapstick come into play with the twisting section at the bottom of the perfume which raises and lowers the solid perfume in and out of the tube. The one thing I immediately liked about this product was how easy it was to use and how easy it is to carry on your person or in your bag, I always have a bottle of perfume in my bag, no matter where I am going, and it has been known for that bottle, which is always made of glass to break which in turn becomes a complete waste of money and if it hasn't ruined my current handbag by staining it, I'm left stinking rather strongly of perfume! 

Imogen Rose was designed by a Lush product designer with reference to his one year old daughter also named Imogen Rose, and he, Simon, wanted to make a perfume containing roses because in his own words "They're either too granny-ish or seem so synthetic that I'm sure a rose has never been anywhere near them" and from here Imogen Rose was born. As you would expect Imogen Rose is a nice bright pink colour and it really stands out against the blackness of the tube and when applied to the skin, thankfully it does not leave a pinky stain behind, although it does look pink on your skin when you do apply it. 

Solid perfume
When I first removed the top from the tube, I was pleasantly surprised at how nice this perfume did smell, like Simon who invented it, any perfume that usually contains Rose does remind me of my Granny and not in a nice way, so it is nice to have something which smells quite floral but fresh at the same time and not overly potent. The one remark people always make about Lush is how pongy their products and shops are and for me that is what I love about them, the solid perfume however is not pongy and would not give you a headache but it is a prominent smell as soon as you remove the lid.

So when it comes to the list of ingredients you wont be surprised to learn that as ever with a Lush product there is an exhaustive list which accompanies it and even more unsurprising is that the first ingredient to mention is:

  • Rose Oil and Rose Oil comes from the flower petals of the damask rose and is used in more than half a dozen lush products because on the skin it has an amazing ability to moisturise and improve the skins appearance. 
  • Next is Orris Butter which has a very delicate, sweet floral and a slight woody aroma. 
  • Vertivert Oil which is again used in a lot of Lush products, is good because it helps to help clear the mind and help dispel anger and anxiety and on the skin hosts similar properties to Rose Oil, however within a perfume it has an earthy aroma and works well alongside Orris butter. 
There is a further list of ingredients that can be found on the back of this product or from Lush.
When it comes to using this perfume, because it is a solid there is obviously no need to spritz it here and there and for me at first this did pose a problem because if I am spritzing it I can tell how much perfume I have applied, so for the first few attempts I did find applying this perfume a little bit hit and miss but soon got to grips with it. So to apply it, you simply rub it onto your pressure points and apply as much or as little as you feel your skin needs and as I mentioned earlier within this review, given that the perfume stick itself is a bright pink colour and when it is applied to the skin you can see a slight pinky stain on your skin which disappears almost immediately and is not a permanent mark and I find it useful to pinpoint where I have applied the perfume as I am applying it. Once it is applied to the skin the fragrance for me comes alive and there is, as Lush tell you, a slight hint of the baby powder aroma, which is simply divine and for me makes this a fantastic perfume, if anyone has ever had a Baby Powder Yankee Candle then the aroma is distinctly similar and it is for me incredibly girlie and definitely not 'Granny-ish'. 

For me this is a brilliant product and one I am really quite fond of, when applied it is very fragrant and the aromas last for a good few hours because a re-application is required and my own husband even likes the smell of it, despite knowing it is from Lush! So this is one product that I intend to carry around in my handbag for the immediate future and should it run out then I am very much tempted to either buy it again or try my luck with another one from the range. I suspect this product will last for different amounts of time depending on how often you feel the need to apply and re-apply it, I have had my 12g tube for 5 weeks now and suspect I've got just over half of the stick left and I apply it 2 or 3 times a day some days, although I don't actually use it every day of the week, so it is worth its money.