
Tuesday 26 March 2013

It's so plucking easy!!

The one thing I cannot live without in my make-up bag is a pair of tweezers. I use them for plucking my eyebrows mainly and I generally feel more at ease knowing that they are there should I find a stray hair.  Up until recently I have used bog standard tweezers that I have found in Boots or a Supermarket and after so long they have always lost their spring and have become pretty useless.

I was recently sent a pair of Tweezerit tweezers and I have spent quite a long time reading up about them and I have learnt so many things about owning pair of tweezers that I wish I had known some of the information before now.  The brand is owned by a man called Richard Batten-Edwards who has a reputation which spans over 28 years for providing the highest quality instruments to the podiatry, beauty and medicinal industries and Tweezerit tweezers come with a lifetime warranty and will be replaced free of charge if found to be defective.

The Tweezerits I was sent are from the Glitter Me range of tweezers and they are the most magnificent pink glittery tweezers ever.  To give them their proper name they are called Pink Champagne and retail for £23.  They come encased inside secure soft plastic packaging with the ‘Tweezerit’ logo clearly visible and one I really like with a pair of tweezers being the exclamation mark.  There is also a cover for the tips of these tweezers and the care guidelines state that when your tweezers are not in use, they should be looked after and cover should be on the tip.

When it comes to storing your tweezers, I immediately realised where I might have been going wrong.  With Tweezerit tweezers there is some really useful factual information on storage, not something I would have thought to look up before, but if you protect every other aspect of your make-up case such as your brushes, eye-lash curlers and so on, keeping them clean and in good use, why wouldn’t you do that with your tweezers?  Instead I just used to chuck them in my bag or case and always wondered why they would get bent out of shape and in some cases have snapped by the time I had discovered them a few weeks later at the bottom of my bag.  So here are the three simple suggestions for storage:

  • Always store your tweezers in a clean dry place.
  • Your tweezers have been set in the factory to give the correct spring tension. Do not overstretch your tweezers, or store them stretched.
  • Always replace the rubber cap to prevent damage.

I am guilty of number 2 over many occasions given the state of my last pair and frankly it never occurred to me that they had been set in a factory to a certain angle to make them easier to use and I have never, before now replaced the rubber cap, it never occurred to me that by doing so would protect the tweezers and keep them both sharp and precise when using - now I know!

When it comes to using them - the official specification reads as follows:

This tweezer has been made out of the finest high grade stainless steel, hand finished to the highest professional standards. The tweezers you have selected are used by professional beauty therapists, and are now offered to you for personal use.

These hand finished tweezers feature our special slant designed tips, which allow you to pluck individual hairs more easily. Your tweezers are quality instruments and should be cared for as such.

The information give above can be found on the Tweezerit website HERE 

To look at these tweezers, they are 9.5cm in length and  are really easy to grasp a hold of and host a slanted tip which does make the task of plucking hairs much easier, I was quite surprised at how easy I could grasp onto the stray hairs of my eyebrows without having to attempt it numerous times before succeeding and these are the easiest, most straightforward and practical pair of tweezers I have ever owned and had the pleasure of using.

The  brand as a whole has really caught my attention.  There are no less than eight different categories of tweezers to look at and decide upon and if I had been left to choose some tweezers, I might very well be still sitting here debating what I prefer because I love them all.  

Then comes the Curve Selection all of which have been ergonomically designed to feature the very latest in tweezer design and I love the design of them.  

The final one I am going to make reference too is the Vintage Collection and again they all feature some very funky colouring and patterns which catch the eye.

Then, if you are a bit of a novice when it comes to your eyebrows and how best to shape them and I found this really useful to read because it contains all the basics that you need to know, for example:
  • Always pluck in the direction of hair growth.
  • Alternate brows to make sure they match.
Overall I love these tweezers and I love this brand.  Reading the website has really given me a kick up the backside when it comes to looking after my tweezers, using them and a reminder on eyebrow plucking, everything you need to know from one brand in one place and if that isn’t enough you can find them on Facebook HERE

What do you think to these Tweezers? Do you have a favourite style?